Kidney Failure Deaths Skyrocket Among Covid-Vaxxed – IOTW Report

Kidney Failure Deaths Skyrocket Among Covid-Vaxxed

One of America’s leading data experts has issued a bone-chilling warning to the public after uncovering evidence that deaths related to kidney failure have skyrocketed since Covid mRNA shots were unleashed.

The shocking phenomenon was exposed by renowned statistician John Beaudoin.

After analyzing official state government data for excess deaths, Beaudoin calculated that there have been 155,000 excess deaths caused by acute kidney injury (AKI) since late 2020 in the United States alone.

As Beaudoin explains in a new interview, excess death is the figure above the expected baseline, not the total, meaning an extra 155k Americans died from AKI. more

31 Comments on Kidney Failure Deaths Skyrocket Among Covid-Vaxxed

  1. I’m watching a TV show right now, from the pre- to early covid era. One of the characters was taking part in a drug experiment, and she suffered complete kidney failure. The cliff-hanger at the end of the second season is whether she or her donor died in the transplant operation. Of course, this show being pre-jab, Big Pharma is being raked over the coals for its deadly drug trial.

    Pfizer et al knew they’d get all of these deadly and debilitating results from their concoctions, because they’d gotten the same results from tests on animals. I reckon they chose not to test too much on humans, because that would leave an immediately verifiable trail of death and illness attributable to their products.

    Back to that episode for a second. The original air date was January 28, 2019…a year before the covid scamdemic. Here’s a short summary:

    “When a nasty flu season turns out to be masking a terribly infectious disease, Chastain must race to quarantine and diagnose infected patients.”

    After that one episode, nothing about the “infectious disease” is mentioned again. Of course, I just finished season 2, and they haven’t hit 2020 yet, so we will see. I have read that the show goes down the tubes after the first three seasons, and I think I know why that might be. The show’s premise was exposing the dirty secrets of hospitals and the medical industry, and it ran smack into the need to sanctify the same in 2020.

  2. You will need many more Darwin awards to hand out to people. Every person who took the jab gets an award. What’s the difference between Conspiricy theory and news? A few months.

  3. The Nephrologist I was seeing tried to force me into taking the shots. I simply refused. She had a fit and said, “Do you know how many of my patients are dying of covid?”
    I asked her if she’d bothered to read the studies coming out about the shots.
    She told me we weren’t having that conversation.
    Last time I stepped foot in that office.
    Ya, probably none. Probably was the shots.
    The Maine transplant people won’t even talk to you if you haven’t gotten the shots.
    These people will never admit they were wrong or apologize.

  4. …perhaps this is where Kamala’s speechwriters already know the 220 million deaths-of citizens- are going to come from. Shes a bit early on the announcement, is all.

    …how many have they killed? Could we ever know? Given that, like AIDS, it damages repair and immunological systems so opportunistic infections and cancers can develop and spread, and given that it does global damage so it can inspire failure in ANY system, and also given that its been politicized to the point that few coroners will even ask the QUESTION, how could we EVER know how many Fauci and freinds have TRULY murdered?

    I know at leaat two I am QUITE sure were vaxxx murdered, and have reasons to suspect many more. Most people at this point do. I also know for a FACT they were not COUNTED as vaxxx murdered, one because a political coroner wont ask the question and another because she was old and the system simply doesnt care about the elderly, or enquire about their deaths to any particular degree.

    Thats why Coof patients were crammed in with them anyway, to kill an unwanted and probably conservative population whose deaths few would investigate and would be quickly labeled and buried with little notice or alarm from the population in general, not even the population being slaughtered.

    Theyre old.

    Who cares?

    …the inconvenient myocarditis deaths in the young are gaslit away by Democrat doctors, and diseases elsewhere (like the kidneys) arent even investigated for a possible link.

    …meanwhile, the completely unvaxxxed replacement population is brought up so they have hands to replace the damaged and destroyed Anericans, and while they would make an excellent control group to compare the vaxxxed to, any attempt to do so is shouted down as racist.

    …and its basically been forgotten that all of this…ALL of this…STARTED because of Fauci and freinds DELIBERATELY developed a gain-of-function BIOWEAPON and released it JUST IN TIME FOR AN ELECTION.

    No consequences, no jail, not even an indictment for anything thanks to a collaborating DOJ.


    …This is NOT an accident.

    It never was.

  5. Actively CENSORING the TRUTH about these shots (which Zuckerberg and others clearly did), is tantamount to CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY as it has OBVIOUSLY resulted in MILLIONS OF DEATHS. He is among likely tens of thousands who are guilty of this behavior. There is ONLY ONE punishment for such a crime.

  6. …also, this is why I would like to hear President Trump walk away from the vaxxx. Its nice that HE says he wont mandate it, but its STILL on the MANDITORY vaccine schedule for schools in many states, REQUIRING the poisoning of a cohort that ISNT EVEN AT SIGNIFICANT RISK OF THE DISEASE IT PURPORTS TO COMBAT.

    Its not enough, to say the Fed will not require it.

    It needs to STOP.

    It needs to be OUTLAWED.

    And outlaw further mRNA toxins while hes at it.

    Take away the greatest weapon the Communists ever forged against the American people.


  7. My sister and I took the first 2 Covid shots as we wanted to be able to travel (we live in Canada). Sadly, my sister had 4 adverse reactions to the shot (lost all of her hair – it did grow back; lost 70 pounds as she could not eat much; developed severe skin rashes in her joint crevices and developed uterine cancer). Starting in January of this year, she felt tired and had a sore back. She was seeing her GP every 3 months for prescription renewals and did mention this to the GP. And then within 3 days in March, she died suddenly in emergency on March 15. Apparently, her kidneys were “shredded” – the words of the emergency room doctor and she had a large mass on the left hand side of her colon. I blame the Covid shots.
    Knock on wood, I am healthy, with just the normal aches and pains of a person in their 73rd year on this Earth. But I miss my sister so much and am now tasked with being the executrix of her estate. This has proved to be a difficult year emotionally for me.

  8. beachmom – I was in a similar predicament and already on dialysis (home) at the time when Covid broke out. I was not yet on the transplant list (nor was there any real controversy about the shots yet, at least not to the level it has gotten to). However I knew that if I didn’t get the shot I wasn’t getting on the list so I complied. They gave me the 1st shot, then later on the second. By then the controversy was ramping up and when the booster came out I was waiting for them to say something to me, but they didn’t and I didn’t ask! I think it was like a little unspoken secret. Anyway I got on the list and received a new kidney last year and I’m doing well. That said, I don’t deny or doubt the statistics of the impact of the vaccine, I just think I’m one of the lucky ones.

  9. Darwin: youre shameful. Many people had no choice but to take the shot. They do not deserve any Darwin award. It was either work or no work for millions. They were also informed by everyone from drug makers to government to MSM that it was safe. Sometimes you need to check your ill-informed opinion.

  10. That Trump still holds these death shots in high regard shows seriously questionable character. Mistakes are always made by people. He was lied to by nearly everyone he mistakenly trusted. To not admit his mistakes at this point shows a SERIOUS character flaw.

  11. Additionally I think the kidney doctors would be pissed too, They don’t like to see their work go to waste, so I think that behind the scenes there is a lot of tough discussions.

  12. Those of us who recognize the patterns are called paranoid, the individual instances of deaths are dismissed as though there were no pattern.

    Human beings being what we are, in fifty years all this will be packaged and stored away as a series of events not unreasonable or malicious but rather unavoidable and somewhat unfortunate.

    The genocide is underway and moving along briskly. The more manageable coloreds are taking the place of a large proportion of the population missing due to the disparate mortal effects of COVID and Mrna shots.

    For those who consider their gene worthy of continuation and who value the living members of the social genotype that created, unfortunately enough, the conditions that allow the overlords to do the destruction of that very genotype, obviously excepting their own, we would be well off to retreat from the culture we made, moving to safety in places the coloreds will find unattractive and the overlords will leave as barren.

    But of course, I’m paranoid.

  13. None of my two sisters, younger brother, and yours truly got the clot shot and never contracted COVID and any of it’s derivatives, including the seasonal flu since 2019. Have lost a childhood buddy (who had two shots) from a rampant, uncontrollable turbo cancer in his intestines. It was horrible!

    The kidney-caused death increase was likely due to the massive usage of Remdisevir (Fauci’s recommended “cure”).

  14. @ stop2think Wednesday, 28 August 2024, 11:25 at 11:25 am
    RE: Darwin, you’re shameful. It was either work or no work for millions.

    I understand the work or no work part of the covid Darwin award program. When the owner of the company said they were requiring the vax for empoyees I quit so fast they didn’t know what happened . I went on strike and am STILL ON STRIKE. They had to hire 3 people to replace me and my replacements have done a million dollars of damage to the equipment they were operating. And the company dropped the jab requirement. I’ll still never go back to work there.
    I checked my “ill-formed opinion” and it still holds.

  15. There was a kidney study that came out in the EU Aug ‘21 that just backed up my gut feelings that the shot was dangerous. If you search you’ll get others. One from Japan in ‘23. Why nothing from the US?

    Concerns about blood clots with the vax. What do the kidneys filter? Blood. So, weakened kidneys have to work harder to clear weird blood and spike proteins?

    My Neph insisted I get the vax. No. That’s a big fat no from me.

    I stopped the ER from giving my Dad Remdesivir when he was in hospital with Covid. “His kidneys can take it. It’s the protocol.” The Dr couldn’t confirm it would help him at all. “We give less now” and again that “it was the protocol”. Dad did fine without it and left the hospital the next day.

    I know too many people in my circle of friends and one very very close friend dealing with cancer. All vaxxed to the max.

    It’s terribly sad.

  16. I remember in the fall of 2020, while the EUA for mRNA was being discussed, an article came out someplace that discussed the one known animal study of the safety and efficacy of an mRNA vaccine. The subject animals were 23 ferrets. All 23 died before the study could be completed. That’s when I said a big NO! I’d like to find that article but I’ve had no luck.

  17. Anyone else notice that our lawmakers, judges, and their families, the aides and their families haven’t suffered any of these effects. Almost like they never took the poison they pushed on us.

  18. As others have noted, Remdesivir was a well known kidney killer, prior to the 2019 Flu. (By Big Pharma et al., not the general public.) I would very much like to know how many in the study had also been administered Remdesivir. My guess is most of them.

  19. @stop2think: Never underestimate your oppressors. The scam rollout was designed and executed to PURGE the critical thinkers and the courageous.

    That said, except for my own family members, the medical community and self righteous vaxholes, I do not disparage people for the decisions they made under extreme duress.


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