Killing His Own Kid Prank – IOTW Report

Killing His Own Kid Prank

Not funny. Clever, but not funny.

9 Comments on Killing His Own Kid Prank

  1. That is one hell of a house. Owned by assholes.
    But to change the subject:
    Will someone tell that asshole Sean Hannity to stop throwing that fucking football. After a very serious interview with Mark Levin, and a looted store owner he throws a fucking football. Is this all a joke with this asshole? I hate eegits, specially Irish eegits. O’Reilly is another matter.

  2. I’m with Caspar. Fake. Mom did not act like a mother whose child had just been thrown over a balcony. The moment where she reaches the dummy, takes off its mask, and picks it up by one arm looks like bad acting. And if it HAD been real, Dad would have been an even bigger asshole. What if, in her hysteria to get at the boy, she had fallen down the stairs and broken her neck, or something? Not funny.

  3. Too good on the multiple camera angles, timing, etc. Hollywood production fake.
    Also very stupid. What happens if sometime the KKK “accidentally” falls down the stairs to his death? Now we have YouTube video. Also, what about a possible divorce and child custody dispute?

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