Killing Homosexuals Is Not ISIS Law, It Is Muslim Law – IOTW Report

Killing Homosexuals Is Not ISIS Law, It Is Muslim Law

CounterJihadReport: Various reports indicate that the death toll from the jihadist attack overnight at a popular gay club in Orlando may exceed 50 people, with more than 50 others wounded. The terrorist’s identity has been reported: He is Omar Mateen, a 29-year-old American citizen and devout Muslim from Fort Pierce, Fla., the son of immigrants from Afghanistan.

The FBI has indicated that Mateen, who was killed in a shootout with police at about 5 a.m., was an Islamic extremist. Representative Peter King (R., N.Y.), who chairs the House Homeland Security Committee, says the shooter was “trained in the use of weapons.” As we have noted here many times, military training is generally the key that separates competent terrorists from wannabes. But whether actual or would-be jihadists, these Muslims are motivated by Islamic supremacism, the belief that sharia, Islam’s ancient, totalitarian law, must be imposed on society.

Based on all this, there is abundant Washington and media speculation that the attack is “ISIS-inspired.” This is consistent with the bipartisan, government-approved inanity we have been following for a quarter-century, what I often call the political class’s concoction of “An Islam of Their Very Own.” It goes something like this:  MORE

4 Comments on Killing Homosexuals Is Not ISIS Law, It Is Muslim Law

  1. His training must not have been very good.
    The police gave him 3 hours, and didn’t even stop the people that were blocking the doors trapping people inside.
    Maybe they were waiting for him to run out of ammo targets.
    Anyway,2 minutes per does not sound like a well trained killer.
    A ‘lone wolf’ he was not. There is no such thing in Islam as one needs the blessing of an imam to be a martyr under this kind of circumstance.

  2. Must read: Andrew McCarthy’s speech transcript, “Islam — Facts or Dreams?” Imprimis, Feb, 2016

    “I immediately began to wonder why American officials from President Bill Clinton and Attorney General Janet Reno on down, officials who had no background in Muslim doctrine and culture, believed they knew more about Islam than the Blind Sheikh. Then something else dawned on me: the Blind Sheikh was not only blind; he was beset by several other medical handicaps. That seemed relevant. After all, terrorism is hard work. Here was a man incapable of doing anything that would be useful to a terrorist organization—he couldn’t build a bomb, hijack a plane, or carry out an assassination. Yet he was the unquestioned leader of the terror cell. Was this because there was more to his interpretation of Islamic doctrine than our government was conceding?”

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