Kim Jong Un reformed North Korea’s K-12 education, mandating English – IOTW Report

Kim Jong Un reformed North Korea’s K-12 education, mandating English

English!? In NOKO? I can’t even get someone to speak English to me at Target, Jack in the Box or Walmart  in AMERICA.

SEOUL, May 27 (UPI) — Kim Jong Un reformed the country’s education code, according to North Korean documents from 2013 acquired by a South Korean news service.

Pyongyang’s reform of 12-year compulsory education shows evidence of Kim’s willingness to change the system, but most likely to consolidate his authoritarian rule, Newsis reported.

Kim came to power in 2012, immediately after the death of his father Kim Jong Il in December 2011.

The new North Korean curriculum emphasizes science and technology, and also English.

English as a second language is mandatory starting from the North Korean equivalent of the fourth grade until the twelfth grade, or the final year of compulsory schooling.  MORE

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