Kim K: We Need Gun Control and Hillary – IOTW Report

Kim K: We Need Gun Control and Hillary

TruthRevolt- In case you were wondering which presidential candidate Kim Kardashian favors and where she stands on gun control, TruthRevolt is on the case.

kim kardashian

The ubiquitous socialite/pop culture queen was the guest of The Commonwealth Club Tuesday night at San Francisco’s Castro Theater. The club has often hosted discussions with political and civic leaders and is the oldest public affairs forum in the country, but this time it was Kim K. promoting her new book, a collection of selfie photos, a phenomenon she practically invented. The book is appropriately titled, Selfish.

Her interviewer, retired Judge LaDoris Cordell – the first African-American woman judge in Northern California – queried Kardashian on several political topics. Who cares, you might ask? Millions of worshipful fans. She has nearly 38 million followers on Instagram and over 33 million on Twitter. Her every move and utterance makes headlines. She is arguably one of the most influential celebs on the planet.  more

21 Comments on Kim K: We Need Gun Control and Hillary

  1. She’s a smelly Ho. A soon to be aging smelly Ho. Nobody will pay attention to her after a few wrinkles. So I guess in reality people are getting advise from a pair of plastic titties and a fat injected ass.

  2. So you favor gun control, Kimmycakes? Okay, you first. Please tell your security detail to turn in their guns to the local precinct by 5 p.m. today.

  3. She’s so glad that Obama legalized same-sex marriage? Would somebody please tell this stupid bint that the Supreme Court and the president are not the same branch of government?

  4. Actually, don’t laugh, but I do pay attention to the extended Kardashian clan as cultural indicators.

    And no, I don’t like what I see. I could do a doctoral dissertation on misperceptions of the American judicial system as evidenced by comments regarding Kardashian Internet coverage alone.

  5. At different points over the past 2000 years we have idolized many different types of people. Once we talked of the martyrs of the Early Church who gave up their lives under religious persecution, later of brave royalty who led troops in battles, the Founders of the USA and the Revolutionary War and even some robbers who turned to crime when they were fed up. Now we’re idolizing a whore for indulging in virtually all of the Seven Deadly Sins who became “famous” via getting debauched by some rap “artist” … WTF is going on?!?

  6. thanks for the laugh.. Actually, it was Star Trek: Deep Space 9.. not as if it matters.. Kim K. is nothing but Tribble..
    Ship her and her clan back to Armenia where they belong..

  7. From Wikipedia: “The Cardassians were developed by the writers of the Star Trek TV series The Next Generation to provide an enemy race with whom the protagonists could interact…”.

    (Not as if it matters, of course.)

    : )

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