Kim Kardashian Meets With Kamala Harris about Criminal Justice Reform – IOTW Report

Kim Kardashian Meets With Kamala Harris about Criminal Justice Reform

LOL. No really, she did.

“I am super honored to be here to hear your stories today,” Kardashian said.

16 Comments on Kim Kardashian Meets With Kamala Harris about Criminal Justice Reform

  1. What’s interesting is that kardashian can’t get a happening boyfriend – she has too much baggage (6 kids, Kanye West. porn movies of her…). What rich happening guy would want THAT?

  2. Contempt for victims is what pandering to the criminal class is and it is absolutely despicable. FWIW, it is also an element in implementing Satan’s agenda.

  3. As for intelligence: Kamala Harris isn’t too bright, just a whore who is good at hustling old men. As for Kardasashian, she’s actually developed into a good businesswoman, who just used to be a whore. Harris will ALWAYS be a whore, because she has nothing else to offer and she’ll always have to rely on handlers. Kardashian has a little empire going.


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