Kim Kardashian Studying to Become a Lawyer, Sets Goal to Take Bar in 2022 – IOTW Report

Kim Kardashian Studying to Become a Lawyer, Sets Goal to Take Bar in 2022

“To me, torts is the most confusing, contracts the most boring, and criminal law I can do in my sleep. Took my first test, I got a 100. Super easy for me. The reading is what really gets me. It’s so time-consuming. The concepts I grasp in two seconds,” she said.


ET: Reality television star Kim Kardashian has revealed in a recent interview that she is studying to become a lawyer—without actually going to law school—and has set a goal to take the bar exam in 2022.

Kardashian, who is the Vogue’s May issue cover star, told the magazine that she started a four-year apprenticeship with a law firm in San Francisco last summer. California is one of only four states in the country where students can receive a legal education in a law office. The other three states include Virginia, Vermont, and Washington state.

“I had to think long and hard about this,” the beauty mogul said.

She said her career change was inspired by her successful advocacy work in seeking clemency for Alice Johnson’s sentence.

“The White House called me to advise to help change the system of clemency, and I’m sitting in the Roosevelt Room with, like, a judge who had sentenced criminals and a lot of really powerful people and I just sat there, like, Oh, [expletive] I need to know more,” she explained to Vogue.

“I would say what I had to say, about the human side and why this is so unfair. But I had attorneys with me who could back that up with all the facts of the case. It’s never one person who gets things done; it’s always a collective of people, and I’ve always known my role, but I just felt like I wanted to be able to fight for people who have paid their dues to society. I just felt like the system could be so different, and I wanted to fight to fix it, and if I knew more, I could do more,” she added.

Kardashian will be required to study law during regular business hours for at least 18 hours each week with a minimum of 48 weeks to receive credit for one year of study, according to the Californian Bar admission rules. more

31 Comments on Kim Kardashian Studying to Become a Lawyer, Sets Goal to Take Bar in 2022

  1. Meanwhile husband Kanye, is taking his final brain surgery exams. Step dad “whatever” Jenner, is in its first year of obstetrics residency. And the remaining Kartrashians Kardashian ho’s sisters are booty calling the NBA.

  2. I think her genes are such that she could be a lawyer the old fashion way. But the way she is getting her experience is bullshit.

    Kind of Lori Laughlinish.

    You try getting a law firm to shill for you like that.

  3. Oh great. Just what we need. More lawyers. Great new cottage industry for these States. Churn out lots of superfluous lawyers after dumbing down the Bar exam.

  4. On further pondering, instead of mocking Kim, we ought to consider praising her. ANYONE professing the desire to LEARN to become a better citizen. Kim’s gut instinct about justice vs injustice in pleading the case of Alice Johnson has more on the ball than anything I’ve encountered in my entire local tea party experience here in Bible Belt Texas. Justice slides on a legalistic moral scare here. The right “club” is very important. I wholeheartedly cheer when any individual realizes they need to learn more in order to pursue justice for everyone. Kanye is doing some good study himself. Mockers may need to snap a chalk line on the real state of decay posing as authority.

  5. @Tim…are you sure about making that judgement? Just asking …since my thinking has led me to a different conclusion. See above comment. And run it through your mind a bit. See what you think.

  6. Everyone should have a “smartphone” & a BookFace page,
    everyone should have Botox duck lips and bleached teefs,
    everyone should be free to choose their gender,
    everyone is a gifted musician/artist/rapper/poet,
    everyone deserves a college education at others’ expense,
    everyone who knows nothing has a valuable opinion,
    everyone is ‘so tired’ despite doing nothing for anyone else,
    everyone should get a law degree,

    so that everyone can tell me what I should do.

  7. I’m surprised to be saying this but I wouldn’t sell Kim Kardashian short. I believe that she was primarily responsible for the very lucrative industry that name has become. While creating the image of the big boobed and butt party girl she and others become multi millionaires from a small start as the daughters of an OJ lawyer. She and her husband are also two of the very few entertainment stars that are willing to publicly work with Trump and not knee jerk attack him which exposes them to becoming a target of the PC/Progs that rule the entertainment biz. If she wants to become more familiar with the law to further her goals on prison reforms then I say more power to her.

  8. Jackalopelipsky,
    Not a “judgement” (or a judgment).
    Just an opinion, based on nothing other than the cacophony of “celebrity” and the endless parade of people who parade for the sake of parading.

    I don’t know her, or much of anything about her, other than her name and some of her familial connections.
    But I do wish her the best in her endeavors – as I do everyone who seems to be making efforts in ways that don’t harm others.

    (she may not even be a real person – just a facsimile of a person – concocted by some weird Madison Ave. type – ever think of that?)

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. I’m just saying that anyone who is learning from people like Candace Owens and Jordan Peterson is the character we should promote. That’s something we could build upon.

  10. Actually, being a Virginia resident, I looked into this about 20 years ago. It’s called “reading for the law” and is a traditional form of apprenticeship/education and can be quite rigorous. And, you still have to pass the bar to get your license. I respect it more than a lot of the law schools churning out fresh young lawyers with no experience. Heck, she could have bribed her way in to law school, with the rest of Holywood, but she’s actually studying and working for it.
    Good for her.
    I may not be interested in their product lines, but she and her hubby are no fools. Not now, anyway… at least they seem to learn from their mistakes and seem to want to improve themselves. They are more interesting, thoughtful, and hardworking than most of their crowd.


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