Kim Schrier (D- WA): Republicans Conflate ‘Heartbeat with a Soul’ – IOTW Report

Kim Schrier (D- WA): Republicans Conflate ‘Heartbeat with a Soul’

WFB: Congresswoman Kim Schrier (D., Wash.) complained Republicans “conflate a heartbeat with a soul or with personhood” during an interview with Hill.TV about the national conversations over abortion legislation.

“I can tell you about a single heart cell, a myocardial cell, in a petri dish in a lab at the University of Washington that will beat,” Schrier said during the Tuesday interview.

Schrier, the only female doctor serving in the House, went on to describe the science cited by supporters of so-called “heartbeat bills,” which outlaw abortion once a heartbeat can be detected, as a “gimmick” pushed by pro-life advocates to increase support for the legislation.

Hill.TV host Buck Sexton then questioned Schrier on when she believes a fetus becomes a person.

“Congress needs to be out of that decision,” Schrier responded.  more here

16 Comments on Kim Schrier (D- WA): Republicans Conflate ‘Heartbeat with a Soul’

  1. No, Kimmy, we’re not “conflating” a heartbeat with a soul. We’re seeking an objectively measurable pre-natal attribute that will satisfy the legal requirements that would best implement the moral requirement of NOT KILLING BABIES.

  2. “I can tell you about a single heart cell, a myocardial cell, in a petri dish in a lab at the University of Washington that will beat,” Schrier said.

    But can you detect that single cell beating in the womb, you ignorant slut?

  3. Well, it’s more complicated than that. A heartbeat means “life”. If it were a matter of making it legal to murder one without a soul it would be legal to kill Democrats.

    But, just because it would be legal does not make it moral or good. A concept Democrats have never understood be it slavery to murdering babies.

    I conceed there are powerful arguments for the eradication of Democrats but I’m going to error on the side of caution and just say execute the guilty and let’s the rest carry on.

  4. “Hill.TV host Buck Sexton then questioned Schrier on when she believes a fetus becomes a person.
    “Congress needs to be out of that decision,” Schrier responded. ”

    Which makes and proves the point that Gooberment should NOT be funding Planned Parenthood in any amount whatsoever.

  5. ““I can tell you about a single heart cell, a myocardial cell, in a petri dish in a lab at the University of Washington that will beat,” Schrier said”

    I wish she would tell everyone about that, very special, ‘single myocardial cell.’ She’s talking miracles here. It is a straw cell argument. She should take her cell on the road and sell tickets. She says the cell ‘will beat.’ Not without stimulus, it won’t. And this has a lot to do with just what, exactly, the stimulus of a heartbeat, or life itself, is. That is what she is denying acknowledging.
    I’m surprised she didn’t say hippocampus cell.
    She is an agent of darkness, preying upon the ignorance of others.

  6. These are the same morons who claim that trans species evolution is confirmed science. To use the vernacular: They are full of crap.

    Actually they deny that mankind has a physical as well as a spiritual component.

  7. “We may not immediately think of our heart as a collection of individual cells. But it is the complex interaction of numerous cell types that give the heart its ability to pump blood. Some cells form heart connective tissue, other cells grow into heart valves. And muscle cells give the heart its ability to beat and pump blood throughout the body.”

    One heart cell can’t pump blood. It takes the entire heart to do that. That’s called irredicible complexity. The science behind the Alabama heartbeat law is solid. It is not based on the beat of a single heart cell, but the entire heart of a fetus.

    That Schirer woman is a vicious and lying murderer.


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