Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) wants to give all illegals drivers licenses – IOTW Report

Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) wants to give all illegals drivers licenses

WFB: Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D., N.Y.) no longer opposes giving drivers’ licenses to undocumented immigrants.

“I think we have to make it possible for people to provide for their families,” Gillibrand told the New York Daily News on Wednesday outside a diner in Brunswick, New York. “We need comprehensive immigration reform. Without doing that, you’re not going to get the problem solved for the rest of the country.”

Gillibrand formerly opposed then-New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer’s controversial 2007 proposal to give drivers’ licenses to undocumented immigrants.

“I do not support giving driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants,” Gillibrand said in a 2007 statement, the Syracuse Post Star reported. At the time, Gillibrand said she supported legislation that required anyone seeking a drivers’ license to show proof of citizenship first.

Since she entered the spotlight as a potential presidential candidate, Gillibarnd has flip-flopped on a number of issues.  read more

18 Comments on Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) wants to give all illegals drivers licenses

  1. Kirsten Gillibrand would have been tough to beat in a general election if she had remained a moderate Democrat. Since she jumped over into the loony liberal side after replacing Hillary Clinton in the Senate, Gillibrand consigned herself to running to the left of everyone except the outright socialists. Of course she’s in favor of a Comprehensive Illegal Immigration Relief Act. It’s a major base of support now that her moderate standards have evolved.

  2. She thinks that we have to make it possible for these citizens of a foreign country to provide for their families. Goody for her.

    Why don’t the leaders of these foreign countries share, at all, her thoughts?

    I think she should move to one of those countries and persuade those leaders to agree with what she thinks. M’kay?

    Fucking irresponsible, imbecilic, liberal thieves! “My neighbor is hungry so I helped myself to your pantry to feed him. Aren’t I special?”

  3. What happens if an illegal gets caught dui? Is he immune from having his license revoked? (like you or I would be). This raises far more serious issues…are they above the law, do they just get free stuff, etc? Maybe I’ll renounce my citizenship.

  4. Let’s say an uninsured driver who is illegally in the country kills an American citizen, but he has a legal “Gillibrand” drivers license. Should the Citizen’s estate be allowed to sue Senator Gillibrand?

  5. Motor Voter – anyone with a license is automatically registered to vote, citizen or not. Of course, they’d never think of illegally voting – they’re not criminals, after all. /sarc

    Illegals can’t get insurance even if they wanted to, have a high rate of DUIs and accidents, and often can’t read English. In order to “make it possible for people to provide for their families” they have to have a SSN which means they have to steal someone’s identity or they need a work visa/green card. Is this dim dem senator conspiring to aid and abet criminals committing more crimes?


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