Sheldon Adelson who loves his cheap labor and open borders is reportedly set to endorse Marco Rubio later this month as Jeb Bush continues to fall out of the picture. While Sheldon Adelson has a ton of money to funnel to Rubio, does his endorsement actually help or hurt Rubio? My opinion? It could be the kiss of death for Marco Rubio.
Continued at Fire Andrea Mitchell.
Once some gets richer than they and there succeeding generations will ever need it becomes all about the purchase of POWER. Rubio has long ago demonstrated he is for sale…perfec match.
Wasn’t going to vote for him anyway
he looks like a kardashian.
Have you seen Sheldon Adelson lately? Remember when Rodney said, “Every time he goes outside people are chasing him with shovels.”
Was that a turtle?
Straight Mercurochrome – like Red Buttons.
Once again the Vegas business tycoon places a loosing bet.
RINO rube -E- O
sunk his own ship when he aligned with the RINOS.
Don’t need another “GOP Light” appeaser.
Sheldon Adelson’s forehead is at a 45 degree angle.