Klobuchar Says Climate Change May Force Some Californians to Relocate – IOTW Report

Klobuchar Says Climate Change May Force Some Californians to Relocate

Breitbart: Some California residents may be forced to move due to climate change, Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) claimed Thursday during the Democrat debate in Los Angeles, California.

The 2020 presidential candidate’s statement was in response to a question from Politico‘s Tim Alberta, who asked if she supported a federal program to subsidize the relocation of people away from areas such as Miami, Florida, and Paradise, California.

“Because we know these places are going to be hit time and time again,” Alberta stated, referring to the so-called threat of climate change.

“Well, I very much hope we’re not going to have to relocate entire cities, but we will probably have to relocate some individual residents,” Klobuchar said. more

27 Comments on Klobuchar Says Climate Change May Force Some Californians to Relocate

  1. What about those poor Obamas who just bought a mansion just spitting distance from the rising sea? Or Al Gore’s house? Barbra Steisand’s mansion? Oh! The humanity!

  2. Sure, but her dirty, little secret is to ship out the little people and leave the land of milk and honey, beaches and sunsets for the Beautiful People to “fight the hard fight” against Climate Change…
    Marco, make me a nuther Martini while I enjoy the Climate Change sunset tonight!

  3. So “liberal policy decay” is now synonymous with “climate change?” I mean, wherever liberals raise their ugly heads, the climate DOES change, so yeah, I can see that.

  4. Steal from those who work to give to those who the gov’t decides to “relocate.”

    Californians need “lebensraum?” Eh, Amy?
    “Relocate” those on the gov’t lists to the East? Eh, Amy?

    I don’t know, but this sounds familiar.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. If they move West they’re going to need a Trans Pacific highway or railroad to get there. Maybe we should just let them live on sampans like the Chinks and other Asians live on, but that would cause too much pollution. How about Elon Musk taking them all to Mars and getting rid of them there.

  6. Essentially, the Dems have too many poor voters living on prime coastal real estate who just run up the score for Dems on election night. These people could be better used to spread Dem joy in other places. Like how we got so many Puerto Ricans in Florida in the last decade. I guess the Dems need to move some of the Floridian Puerto Ricans to Nashville or Birmingham or Greenville, but they’re too broke to pay for it, so we will see our money forcibly relocated.

  7. She’s just as retarded as Greta Turdberg is. Fires here in CA have nothing to do with climate, it has to do with environmentalist getting in the way of properly managing the forests here. Greta and her ilk consume and crap every day. They believe in “only for me but not for thee.” Greta has Asperger’s, and we’re to listen to this retard? That’s scraping the bottom of the barrel!

    Asperger syndrome (AS), also known as Asperger’s, is a developmental disorder characterised by significant difficulties in social interaction and nonverbal communication, along with restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests.[6] As a milder autism spectrum disorder (ASD), it differs from other ASDs by relatively normal language and intelligence.[10] Although not required for diagnosis, physical clumsiness and unusual use of language are common.[11][12] Signs usually begin before two years of age and typically last for a person’s entire life.


    I think all environmentalist has Asperger’s, thet’re all dysfunctional.

  8. It’s the political climate and flooding public that may force people to leave their home state. Not the temperature and sea level. It’s the same thing that motivates foreigners to come to America, to escape the political climate in their home country.

  9. They’ve been doing that for the last 25 years, Amy-come-lately.
    Except the reason is the shitty government and illegals, not the weather.
    The weather in CA’s always been great, the people running it, not so much.

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