Kmart Bans Customers from Using Christian Wording at Photo Kiosk, But Islamic Stuff is OK – IOTW Report

Kmart Bans Customers from Using Christian Wording at Photo Kiosk, But Islamic Stuff is OK

GFP: Kmart is in the news for banning customers from using Christian words like “Jesus,” “Bible,” or “church” at the store’s photo kiosk, but apparently it does not mind customers using Islam, Muslim or other Islamic terns.

The struggling former retail giant uses a computer system with preprogrammed software for its photo kiosks, but some customers have recently found that there are certain words that the software will not allow them to use in the editing program, according to the Daily Mail.

According to customers in Australia, when they tried to use the banned words in the photo kiosk, the words were replaced by a series of asterisks and the desired word could not be used.

 A Kmart spokesman quickly apologized for the software saying it was juuuust a glitch.  more here

17 Comments on Kmart Bans Customers from Using Christian Wording at Photo Kiosk, But Islamic Stuff is OK

  1. “Glitch” is an annoying weasel word. It conveys the idea that the problem was the result of a simple error or carelessness, or a machine failure of some sort.

    This item shows otherwise. Somebody decided to add a feature to the software to forbid the use of words in a taboo list. Then somebody decided to put words such as “Jesus” and “Christian” on the list.

    When human beings make conscious decisions, and the outcome is exactly what they intended, that’s not a “glitch”.

  2. We used to have as many as three Kmarts plus the big mall Sears. Now none and a big empty area in the mall.
    Lowe’s is crapping up their stores with Craftsman line of products and bumping out a lot of their Kobalt stuff.


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