“Knee Deep In Socialist Propaganda” – IOTW Report

“Knee Deep In Socialist Propaganda”

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@MarinaMedvin. The guy who set himself on fire in front of the Israeli embassy was knee deep in socialist propaganda.

11 Comments on “Knee Deep In Socialist Propaganda”

  1. If people of the same mindset as ol’ Burnie want to prove their point I suggest they do the same as him.
    One or a few isn’t very convincing.
    Large numbers would be more thought provoking.

  2. Anarchist as member of collective. Anarchist as socialist. Anarchist as member of mutual aid society. Anarchist as member of the USAF (admittedly the least butch and militaristic branch of the war pigs outreach groups).

    Anarchist as any or all of the above? I bet a dollar this poor stooge couldn’t tell if he was punched or bored, much less what a woman is.

    Sorry he set himself on fire, sorry he was an idiot, glad he can’t influence any other marginal personalities going forward.


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