Knife Control NOW! Man Stabbed 26 Times After Gas Station Brawl Turns Deadly – IOTW Report

Knife Control NOW! Man Stabbed 26 Times After Gas Station Brawl Turns Deadly

Breaking 911: Southwest Baltimore — Jason Alcindor was convicted of second degree murder by a Baltimore City jury.

On June 5, 2017 at 12:23 a.m., police responded to a gas station located in the 2700 block of Washington Boulevard for a reported stabbing. When police arrived, neither the suspect nor the victim were present, but there was a significant amount of blood throughout the parking lot.

A search of local hospitals led to the identification of the victim, Timothy Campbell, who had been driven to the hospital by his girlfriend. He suffered more than two dozen stab wounds to his head, neck, torso and arms. He was pronounced dead less than an hour after the attack. Police spoke with Campbell’s girlfriend who indicated that the person who stabbed Campbell was her ex-boyfriend, Jason Alcindor.

Approximately two hours after the attack, Alcindor was located two blocks away in his vehicle where he was cleaning blood off of his body and clothing. Alcindor was taken into custody, read his rights, and interviewed. He admitted to stabbing Campbell, but alleged he acted in self-defense. more here

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