Knife-wielding man tased by Arizona officer falls, stabs himself in neck – IOTW Report

Knife-wielding man tased by Arizona officer falls, stabs himself in neck

LET: GLENDALE, AZ – Police body camera video captured the moment an Arizona police officer was forced to use a Taser on a man who refused to put down a knife, causing him to fall on the knife on Tuesday.

Officers responded to reports of a “suspicious” fire just after 6 p.m. When officers arrived at the scene, they spoke with a man who was engaging in “odd” behavior, according to police spokesperson Sgt. Randy Stewart on Wednesday.

Police bodycam footage showed a Glendale officer trying to keep the man away from the house fire. The man was not complying with the officer’s requests for him to move away from the fire scene. The officer can be heard on video telling him:

“You can’t go there, it’s not safe.”

9 Comments on Knife-wielding man tased by Arizona officer falls, stabs himself in neck

  1. “Arizona police officer was forced to use a Taser on a man”

    Not from what I saw.

    The officer is liable and the city will be paying either the knife guy or his family a lot of money.

  2. Officer told him to drop the knife and the guy didn’t. The guy had every intention of killing himself – suicide by cop is what I see – except he did it to himself. Anyone know the circumstances behind the fire trucks, was he involved in it? Question…..

  3. Retracting my last comment. Turns out I was distracted by customers texting me when it started and the video I turned up the volume on to watch, was not this one. Oh well.

    I watched a guy in a motorized wheelchair (apparently) get shot at a Lowe’s. No wonder it didn’t make sense about the knife. Man, I worked a little too hard today. Sorry.

  4. My first real fire kind of illustrates how unpredictable
    people can be, one reason they may try to run into a burning house, and why controlling the scene is important.

    This started with a woman who wanted to set up a romantic evening for her man in the bedroom of the multi-family dwelling they lived in one corner of. To that end, she set up candles. Lots and lots of candles. It evidently worked, because one thing led to another, people started disrobing, then candles got knocked over…

    …which brings us to why I know about it. After an initial hone-made suppression effort that apparently involved a pantsless guy with a garden hose while
    a half-naked woman screaming like a ruptred duck, SNS was invited to his inaugural fire run along with the rest of his fire company. I actually got there in the second wave (don’t put the green guys on the frontline hose company), so it was a more mature scene at the time came on it. She was over by the command vehicle, more or less subdued, with a blanket covering her, eh, features. (Boyfriend was long gone, if you’re wondering, some folks are allergic to flashing lights for some reason).

    Suddenly, she stands up, screams “MY BABIES!!!”, throws off her blaket, and charges pell-mell towards her personal inferno.

    …one of the OTHER guys grabbed her from behind in the most embarassing way possible with a half-naked woman, saving her from her own stupidity, and starts an intense interrogation. Her kids were actually at a neighbors, but she somehow thought they weren’t, so a scary time and intense search of a burning building ensued from a drunken brain fart.

    Had she have been fleeter of foot, she could have seriously injured herself, put crews unnecessarily in harm’s way to extracate her, or even caused the whole thing to burn down if she screwed up the interior attack.

    People are goofy.

    Sometimes you have to save them from themselves.

    Or youself from them…


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