‘Knives Sticking Out Of My Back’ – IOTW Report

‘Knives Sticking Out Of My Back’

DailyCaller: Global Warming Skeptic Tells Tucker Carlson Why She Left Academia.
Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry told Fox News host Tucker Carlson she was so sick of politicization of global warming in academia she resigned from her tenured position at Georgia Tech.

“I’ve been vilified by some of my colleagues who are activists and don’t like anybody challenging their big story,” Curry told Carlson Friday night.

“I walk around with knives sticking out of my back,” she said. “In the university environment I felt like I was just beating my head against the wall.”

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7 Comments on ‘Knives Sticking Out Of My Back’

  1. Now that science has been bastardized for political expediency we are in
    deep kimshee. How many years, how
    many careers, how many billions wasted to fix this lefty mess?

  2. Among other things, the college experience should teach students how to think for themselves and how to do good research to help them make their own decisions.
    Today’s students are like brainless sheep. They cannot think for themselves. They just follow the flock.
    Why are they even in college?

  3. Judith Curry has a place in history, now. She’s stood firm, solid, but gracious, for a long time now.

    But, the guy who will make the history books, big time, is Canadian mining engineer, Steve McIntyre, who exposed the statistical fraud behind Michael Mann’s “hockey stick.” McIntyre caused “someone” to leak the Climategate emails in frustration with how the science world was treating him….

    ….and, then, Judith Curry invited McIntyre to lecture to her graduate students on statistics. Talk about simultaneous ‘sploudy heads, worldwide! Heretic! Why the man didn’t even have a PhD! …smile… Curry said, “He’s brilliant.”

    Her site Judith.Curry.com is fun. ….Lady in Red

    PS: I expect Trump has noticed her.

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