Know Your Rights When Stopped By the Police – IOTW Report

Know Your Rights When Stopped By the Police

It’s important


9 Comments on Know Your Rights When Stopped By the Police

  1. “Am I being Detained?”
    “Am I free to go?”
    “Am I being Detained?”
    “Am I free to go?”
    “Am I being Detained?”
    “Am I free to go?”
    “Am I being Detained?”
    “Am I free to go?”

  2. Thanks for this post!

    I’ve recently watched the youtube videos of Pastor Anderson, who challenges the inland border patrol checkpoints. At one point, they broke his windows, tased him, dragged him from his car and beat the snot out of him. He has his own video of the incident posted, as well as border patrol videos. This was a border stop 60 miles in from the border. So no border crossing takes place.

    The border agents were proven to be lying when they said the drug dog triggered on his car. They refused to bring the dog back out for a recheck. Instead, they attacked him because he regularly challenged their authority and they were as pissed at him as little pigs can get. He’d tell them he doesn’t have to answer questions… and a lot more. He was exonerated by a grand jury and proceeded to sue the lot of them.

    The police can legally lie to try to trick you into abandoning your rights. “Taking it to the next level” is a manipulation.

    It seems like we MUST video all encounters with authorities at this point. They are turning on us.
    They’re offended that we have rights, and that our videos catch their corruption.

  3. I like Beck, yet there is some bad information in there. As far as I know, it is illegal to video record Civilian Harassment in Massachusetts and Illinois. I live in MA and have read about a few successful challenges to such “offenses” yet none of them were won quickly nor on the cheap. I sure as hell wouldn’t play with them.

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