Koch Brothers to Congress: Pass Amnesty for DACA Illegal Aliens ‘As Quickly as Possible’ – IOTW Report

Koch Brothers to Congress: Pass Amnesty for DACA Illegal Aliens ‘As Quickly as Possible’

Breitbart: Pro-mass immigration GOP megadonor billionaires the Koch brothers are demanding the Republican-controlled Congress pass an amnesty for millions of illegal aliens “as quickly as possible.”

The Koch brothers represent a slew of organizations that purport to be conservative and libertarian-leaning, including Freedom Partners, the LIBRE Initiative, Americans for Prosperity, and Generation Opportunity. The billionaires’ businesses include Matador Cattle Company, Koch Pipeline, and Guardian Industries.

In letter to House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI), House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), spokespeople for the Koch brothers’ organizations asked that an amnesty for at least 1.8 million illegal aliens who are eligible and enrolled in the President Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program be passed immediately. The letter states as follows:

22 Comments on Koch Brothers to Congress: Pass Amnesty for DACA Illegal Aliens ‘As Quickly as Possible’

  1. We are done with DACA. They got their shot and they didn’t want to deal. If we are going to revisit dead issues ObamaCare’s repeal needs to be addressed first. Seeing the new renewals, nothing has changed, costs are worse than ever. Repeal ObamaCare like you promised and then MAYBE we’ll talk (about building the wall).

  2. As a former employee of a good company that was swallowed by the Koch brothers I can unequivocally say all those guys care about is the bottom line. The love cheap labor and do not give out deserved raises as they promised.

    Their father sold oil refinery technology to the Soviets during the Stalin era because he could not work out a deal with American companies. (Of course, in their book he’s painted a victim.)

    They’ve also greedily accepted govt $$$ and raised the price of our food by going big time in corn ethanol.

    For Christmas, they always send out a big family Christmas card to remind their employees who they slave for the Koch Kartel.

  3. MJA
    Progs love Kochs.
    Read Shakespeare’s JC A3S2 “..lend me your ears! I come not to praise the Koch’s….”
    It is a conniving fraud as old as the snake and Eve.

  4. Advise these Kochs that if the lines of legal/illegal are eliminated in order to suit their financial greed,
    then their properties, their fortunes, their very lives are also up for bid.
    And the masses they have no regard for, us worthless plebeians, greatly outnumber them and all their Chamber and CC friends.
    IOW, if they proceed to wreck the sovereign USA, where do they suppose they will be safe on this planet?

  5. The Koch brothers sound like my son-in-law. He is sure if you throw enough crumbs to “the little people,” they will leave him alone. I am not kidding. He has basically said that. Hence, he is a stupid Bernie supporter, and thinks he’s smarter than everyone else. (Eye roll.)

  6. I agree with Reiuxcat, the Koch brothers are in bed with the Chamber of Commerce who are in bed with many big businesses. They want cheep labor and screw the American people who are suffering because of it.

    Moving from Minne$ota to economically struggling Michigan, my roommate is actually interviewing today for a job that pays 13.50/hr. She left a job in MN paying 24/hr has two science BAs (biology and chemistry) and 30+ years experience. She actually laughed at one HR rep from a company 50 miles away that wanted her to accept 12/hr.

  7. @MJA April 24, 2018 at 11:54 am

    > I have no idea why the Progs hate the Koch Brothers. They practically do everything they would approve of.

    Did you hear what they said about they mommas?

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    Vote early. Vote often! And, remember: Elections have consequences!


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