Koch Brothers: Trump is ‘Wrong,’ It’s ‘Morally Right’ to Import Foreign Welfare Dependents – IOTW Report

Koch Brothers: Trump is ‘Wrong,’ It’s ‘Morally Right’ to Import Foreign Welfare Dependents

Breitbart- The pro-mass immigration, GOP megadonor, billionaire Koch brothers are opposing President Trump’s initiative to save American taxpayers from having to subsidize welfare-dependent legal immigrants.

Since February, Breitbart News has reported how the Trump administration is set to enforce an existing law whereby foreign nationals seeking to permanently resettle in the U.S. would need to prove that they will not become drains on the American taxpayer.

Such a plan would be a boon for American taxpayers, who currently spend about $57.4 billion a year on paying for the welfare, crime, and schooling costs of the country’s mass importation of 1.5 million new, mostly low-skilled legal immigrants every year. In the last decade, the U.S. has imported more than 10 million foreign nationals and is on track to import the same amount in the coming decade if legal immigration controls are not implemented.

Through the Koch brothers’ network of organizations—which have campaigned for Democrats’ open borders policies this election cycle—which include the pro-mass immigration LIBRE Initiative and the economic libertarianism group Freedom Partners, the billionaire donors are opposing Trump’s reform to the legal immigration system.  more here

19 Comments on Koch Brothers: Trump is ‘Wrong,’ It’s ‘Morally Right’ to Import Foreign Welfare Dependents

  1. C’mon, boys, what moral code are you referring to? You can’t get away with simply saying it’s “morally right” to do something – anything! – without explaining what you mean, what system of morals you’re using as a standard, and why what you propose conforms to that standard.

  2. I’ve noticed that regardless of the party, the multi nationalists are all about socializing the costs of massive unskilled immigration while they privatize the profits of cheap labor. And banking, and car manufacturing, and ethanol, etc.

  3. Right. You first then. Let these guys sponsor a thousand or so illegals. Put em up in their own mansions. If it works for them, they can encourage all their wealthy pals to do the same. Getting tired of liberals coming up with their ideas and our efforts, sacrifice, and money schemes.

  4. @moochoman: How about 1,000? Maybe 10,000, to get past most of Congress and have “room” for the “news”/entertainment/academic sectors? TV ratings probably would skyrocket.

  5. Is is Morally right for criminals like you to rob the people who earned the money?
    Is it Morally right for those of you who rob us of our money to decide who gets our money?
    Is it Morally right for you to take credit for being so benevolent with stolen money?
    Is it Morally right for you to profit by destroying the financial security of citizens of the United States.
    Your attempt to shame us failed.

  6. I guess when you shake it all out the Koch brothers are really slave owners and only somewhat better then their long past southern cousins. They may as well own the illegals in that they pay them slave wages, no benefits and if they complain they get deported. Kind of worse I guess in that they rely on other people to subsidize their slaves via government support programs and encouraging fraud by the slaves to get the government aid. Maybe it’s time to investigate their labour practices.

  7. I’m certain I’d be wrong if I believed the Kochbros don’t have a fence and security guards keeping undesirables out of their homes & other property.

    Why do such a high percentage of people have their wisdom IQ decrease as the size of their portfolio increases?

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