Koch-Funded Group Behind Calls for American Retrenchment Releases Poll Showing Support for US Involvement Abroad – IOTW Report

Koch-Funded Group Behind Calls for American Retrenchment Releases Poll Showing Support for US Involvement Abroad


The Defense Priorities think tank receives funding from the isolationist Koch family and is known for its ties to Sen. Rand Paul (R., Ky.), a fierce opponent of U.S. foreign aid. Yet a poll released by the group on Friday found Americans broadly support U.S. involvement on the international stage and want to arm Ukraine with the weapons it needs to defeat Russia.

Defense Priorities, like other Koch-funded think tanks such as the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, lobbies the American government to “pursue a more prudent, restrained foreign policy.” Its scholars are popular on the “libertarian right,” often rallying against the “neocons” they blame for entangling America in endless wars abroad. more

7 Comments on Koch-Funded Group Behind Calls for American Retrenchment Releases Poll Showing Support for US Involvement Abroad

  1. “Yet a poll released by the group on Friday found Americans broadly support U.S. involvement on the international stage and want to arm Ukraine with the weapons it needs to defeat Russia.”

    Bet the poll results change DRAMATICALLY when Congress votes to reinstate the Draft.


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