Town Relieved – Kohler the Klown Pinched – IOTW Report

Town Relieved – Kohler the Klown Pinched

toilet man

This guy, admittedly, has a “strange sense of humor.”

He must be one of those lo-flows I keep hearing about.


A woman was in Dollar Store in the Payne Avenue plaza with her child and a neighbor’s child when police say 67-year-old Herbert Forrester began following them around the store. 7 Eyewitness News spoke to the woman, who we are not identifying, who says he was following her and the children around while wearing a clown nose.

When the woman and children left, police say he followed them out, ran to his van and put a toilet seat around his head and toilet paper in his mouth.

Police say the woman ran to her car with the children as Forrester allegedly yelled, “Yeah, run!” Once safely inside, the woman says she snapped a picture of the man for evidence and then called police.

Police later caught up to Forrester and arrested him, charging him with harassment. Officers say he told them that he “has a strange sense of humor and I have to stop.”

The woman says to her and the children, this was not a joke. It was a frightening incident where a grown man followed her and the children around a store and into a parking lot. She says it was inappropriate and not funny – it was scary.

Forrester is currently free on $100 bail.


Police know him? So this is arrest Number 2?

At least he’s not on the runs.

This crime’s maximum penalty is for Forrester to be remanded at a Correctol Institution, but most likely he will be placed under outhouse arrest.



20 Comments on Town Relieved – Kohler the Klown Pinched

  1. Nice cigarette too. His sense of humor is going to end pretty quickly if he does this to an armed person. I like how he picks on women and children. No way a man that is going to knock his lights out.

  2. The guy just need something constructive to do. He’d make a great mascot for the democrat party. Just wear a t-shirt that says “American Taxpayer” and paint the toilet seat to look like obama’s logo.

  3. I can sure sympathize with the mother. I, too, am sick and tired and just a little bit fearful of the deranged clowns who keep calling and sending letters pleading with me for campaign contributions.

  4. I lived in NYC for 7 horrible years and I carried concealed every day. Fuck the rules.
    And yes I pulled my gun many times to save my life. Did I fire? You bet your ass I did.

  5. Pervert working up the courage to do a dirty deed.

    Too bad the Democrats closed the mental institutions because they were missing their core voters on election day.

  6. “This guy, admittedly, has a “strange sense of humor”

    Which can leave you laying unconscious in the gutter. Especially if you’re chasing someone’s kids around

  7. He’s 67. He has zero muscle tone. His hips are wider than his shoulders. He smokes so no air. I’m wondering what was scarring everyone? Must have been the clown nose. He’s a freak some lady should have dropped like a bad habit.

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