The House is now a box of hamsters.

The burgeoning scandal surrounding freshman Democrat Rep. Katie Hill (D-CA) threatens to cause serious repercussions for Democrats throughout the House of Representatives as they move forward with an effort to impeach President Donald Trump.
Last week, Red State published an explosive piece exposing that Hill had multiple simultaneous sexual relationships with at least two different staffers. At least one of them worked in her official congressional office, which is a plain-letter clear violation of the House’s rules for members, forbidding sexual relationships between members of Congress and their official office staff. The other was at least a campaign staffer, who is as of-yet-unidentified but may have been an official office staffer as well.
Hill, who has been married to her now-estranged husband Kenny Heslep for years, brought a 22-year-old woman who was on her campaign staff into their marriage to create a three-way “throuple” relationship during her run for Congress in 2018.
Red State’s Jennifer Van Laar reported:
Photographs and text messages obtained by RedState show that Rep. Hill was involved in a long-term sexual relationship with a female campaign staffer. The woman, whose name is not being released, was hired by Hill in late 2017 and quickly became involved in a ‘throuple’ relationship with Hill and her estranged husband, Kenny Heslep. Heslep and the staffer, according to text messages provided to RedState, believed the polyamorous arrangement to be a long-term, committed relationship.
The piece includes several salacious photographs of the now-congresswoman with the female staffer, including one of the congresswoman in the nude brushing the young staffer’s hair. Apparently, according to the report, the congresswoman earlier this year ended the relationship with the female staffer and with her husband, saying she wanted to focus on her work. Red State’s story also uncovers that Hill allegedly had a separate intimate relationship with her legislative director Graham Kelly, a male staffer of hers who worked in her official congressional office. read more
Leftist freaks: no boundaries, no morals, no principles, and no brains.
“Round, round get around, I get around…” seems to be CA’s Anthem now.
Can I fuck her too?
Kamala Harris’s understudy? Oh, that’s right Katie is working her way up from the bottom.
The only effect it will have on impeachment is that Trump will be accused of getting the kompromat on Hill from the Russians and feeding it to RedState.
“All roads with you lead to Putin!”–Nancy Pelosi
More than one way to climb ladders…
If the Media happens across any Nudies of Gasoline Maxine…We’d
appreciate if You kept Them to Yourself….Signed…
The World.
Petri dish.
For the good of the party, she should step down. Like Al Franken.
She should be replaced by her long suffering husband, Kenny Heslep. It’s what Elijah would’ve wanted.
…All Democrats are observably perverts at this point. This leads me to pose this question…
…do people become Democrats because they are perverts, or do people become perverts because they’re Democrats?
…chicken, egg…
Perhaps it’s a requirement so they can have something “on” everyone, like how a big-league Democrat got a free trip to Pedophile Island on being “Made”, but I’m not sure how it’s supposed to be used to enforce omerta if they desensitize the entire nation to it the way they are trying to do…
@Bobcat: I was thinking about publishing the explicit photographs I have of Mad Maxine, Senile Nancy and Crazy Bernie in their own throuple relationship. Are you telling me this is something most people don’t want to see?
You may want to reconsider this stance, because the nude pictures of these three in a bounce house covered in vegetable oil seems to defy some of the laws of physics if nothing else. (Also, good luck getting that visual out of your mind for the next couple of hours).
…I don’t know why anyone’s surprised at this point, though. The woman goes to Congress every day with the intention of fucking the ENTIRE NATION, so what’s one staffer more or less compared to THAT…
Wyatt, Insensitive Progressive Jerk OCTOBER 22, 2019 AT 10:25 AM
“@Bobcat: I was thinking about publishing the explicit photographs I have of Mad Maxine, Senile Nancy and Crazy Bernie in their own throuple relationship. Are you telling me this is something most people don’t want to see?
You may want to reconsider this stance, because the nude pictures of these three in a bounce house covered in vegetable oil seems to defy some of the laws of physics if nothing else. (Also, good luck getting that visual out of your mind for the next couple of hours).”
…what, you can’t throw Hillary in there? C’mon, when you’re trying to put everyone off their feed just before lunch, you might as well go all the way…
…oh, and do the White folk in chocolate sauce instead of vegetable oil. It plays into the new Democrat “Black Face” craze nicely…
Lucifer has a new program down here called “Thrupple Thursdays” and, wow, is it ever fun!
Eleanor, Amelia Earhart, and Howard Hughes went “Round the World” last week. It attracted quite a crowd.
She was so busy screwing her staffers, when did she find the time to screw the American people?
I get it – she wants to be “Vice” prezzy…
I hate you Wyatt.
Wyatt you are a mean man to foist that image on us.
It’s misogynistic to hold women responsible for what they do.
OCTOBER 22, 2019 AT 10:47 AM
“I hate you Wyatt.”
…What, no hate for ME for suggesting Hillary? I’m hurt…
…unless you, uh, LIKE the idea of that enormous, flaccid, oderferous mass of pendulous, sallow, crepey flesh on full display from cankles to coif before you, tounge hole, medical devices, and uncleaned vaginal secretions from the rolls of fat rubbed into the leakage from the imperfectly fitted colostomy system not excepted, locked in heated gymastics with Max and Nan and some REALLY angry sex where she, uh, “Feels the Bern”…
My bad.
Hates all around!
She is slightly prettier than most of the Democrat hags, but just as crazy and morally bankrupt, maybe even more so.
Gotta love it when democrats get caught in their own sewer.T
EWW! Supershade. You win the gross out award, butt all you really needed to do was just mention the name, Hillary. Our imaginations could do the rest.
She’s the Queen of Whoremongers.
Talk is cheap. Earl of Taint gets right down to it so you don’t have to imagine it:
When people vote Democrat, THAT is what they’re buying. Everything gross. No beauty, no art, no logic, no philosophy, nothing noble in their view of mankind. Nothing to aspire to.
Anyone stupid enough to be photographed in this type of behavior needs to be removed from office. More evidence blackmail is probably the coin of the swamp realm.
…thanks for that, @Jimmy, but maybe put an “NSFW” tag on it next time? Almost got me fired, you did!
…but I suspect the REAL Hillary is much, much WORSE…
Mortgages for the Masses
OCTOBER 22, 2019 AT 12:32 PM
“Anyone stupid enough to be photographed in this type of behavior needs to be removed from office.”
…problem is, I think they consider perversion a “badge of honor” in Democrat circles now, and vie for who can be the MOST perverted.
…it DOES fulfill Scripture, after all…
“22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.”
Romans 1:22-32
Oh, you’re at work, Supernightshade. I thought you were retired like me. 🙂
Uh, my comment at 12:27 PM is NOT SAFE FOR WORK! I won’t do that any more.
…thanks, Jimmy…
Love your writing here, Super!
a Democrat Party politician will not get run out of office unless they are caught in bed with either a live boy or a dead girl.
The nerve of that woman. Who does she think she is, a Kennedy or something??
A photograph of one nude woman brushing another nude woman’s hair?
How did they sneak that one past the moral gatekeepers of the Internet??
Jimmy, the was truly grody!
One question, though. What was that post-it note for? Was it part of a ‘treasure’ hunt? Hummm, I’m not going any further with that thought.
Crap, too late! YUK!
No moral compass leaves you walking in corrupt circles encrusted with your own filth.
Poor woman.
It can’t be easy for her to be constantly looking in the mirror to see if she has a pube caught in her teeth before her next MEATING meeting.
Jimmy OCTOBER 22, 2019 AT 1:13 PM
“Love your writing here, Super!”
Thank you, but I’m just an old windbag compared to folks with a quick turn of phrase and an interesting sense of humor like yourself…
mansfield lovell OCTOBER 22, 2019 AT 1:18 PM
“a Democrat Party politician will not get run out of office unless they are caught in bed with either a live boy or a dead girl.”
…archaic saying. NOW, I think those things are on the entrance exam…
Doesn’t this sort of thing enhance elect-ability within the democrat party?
Could be a reelection strategy.
Wyatt, you forgot Big Mike, and her dildo named Barack…
Where can I find the rest of the pictures? Asking for a friend
@Blink ~ she’s already claiming it’s a ‘smear’ by her opposition … seriously, a smear? … what, it ain’t you in the pics?
… the only smear is the one on the hotel chair … just sayin’
When you think you hate your job remember Mad Maxine, Pelosi, Hillary, and probably Bernie have a gynecologist.
Ahhh, now I get her nickname Katie “Scissors” Hill.
I thought she was a beautician.
Nothing wrong here, two consenting adults.
Katie Hill looks like a backstabbing, opportunistic, twat of a human being. Who cares who she is banging? Boot her from office for not doing her job. If she needs $$$ there’s always live Pay-Per-View porn with AOC or Chelsea Clinton to line her pockets!
That’s what we like to see! At last someone has decided to adopt the same extramarital credo as our great and wonderful President. Mind you, she has some way to go to catch up with his philandering (he’s way ahead with 25 women accusing him of sexual impropriety/abuse) but she is a dem so it can’t get much worse than that. Thank God she isn’t the President because that would be unforgivable, wouldn’t it? She might even have to find a shady attorney to set up a catch and kill. Nah, nobody in their right mind would do something like that, would they?
Her silver lining in all of this is that Evangelicals will be lining up to vote for her as the first female incarnation of the Messiah. Go girl!!
why don’t the government stay out of bedrooms if the parties are adults and the sex is consenual
Show me the snatck
For all the nimrods that have so much to say, Katie wasn’t the one who said,”grab them by the pu**y” or cheated on their pregnant spouse with a pornstar. This is the immoral lying idiot of a President that you follow and happens to be from the far right Rebum-plicans.The point I’m making here is what they both did wasn’t right but Trump’s actions was much worse .
What happened about Trump grabbing pussy! Nothing because he is a fucking cocksucking man. Double standard.
She should not have resigned!
Poor USA.The comments are poor and deep. Are there any intelligent people?