KooKoo to visit Kim in NoKo – IOTW Report

KooKoo to visit Kim in NoKo


Diogenes’ Middle Finger: 

Amid heightened tension over threatening missile launches and the detention of 4 American citizens, the androgynous cross dressing freak of nature and Basketball legend Dennis Rodman is said to be on his way to North Korea to visit his long time pal, Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un.

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9 Comments on KooKoo to visit Kim in NoKo

  1. If I were Kim Jong-un, I would, immediately upon departure of Rodman, halt the nuke effort and launches, stop all threats, become friends to all, and give full credit to this basketball nutjob.

    That would be a mind-bender.

  2. Hilarious. You can’t make this stuff up.

    I see how Kim would be amused by a large American Negro come to fawn over him. In a dress. 42XXXL.

    Crazy dangerous for Rodman. If Kim has a sudden mood change, Rodman will disappear
    without trace.

    Maybe they’re going to put on their silver lame jumpsuits and await the Mother Ship from Planet X together.

  3. Rodman is there to deliver a message from the President.
    Rodman and Mr. Trump know each other well. He was on the Apprentice.
    I bet Mr. Trump helped him practice.
    When he’s with Fat-Boy Dennis will look around theatrically, and say:
    “My Man, you know me, You know I am being straight with you right now. I don’t know, um, but I would not fuck with Trump, man. That man is certifiable. He will nuke your ass.
    He’s itching to make an example out of you.
    He’s got a bomb that makes your dick fall off. Serious as a heart attack, my man. He lights that shit off and bang, two weeks later everybody’s dick just falls off man. I have seen the films. That stuff is real.
    Trump is Crazy man, You don’t know the shit they got. Crazy shit. I mean really crazy shit, on account of that UFO they shot down.
    They got a drug they shoot into a Grizzly Bear that makes him grow twenty feet tall and get all pissed off… “

  4. @Lazlo, I love it. Rodman can tell Kim that “Iron Man” is real, and Tony Stark wants to test his Satellite Disintegrator Beam on Pyongyang. Tell Kim the Avengers are coming.
    “Hulk smash”.

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