Kory: The Global Disinformation Campaign Against Ivermectin in COVID-19 (Part I) – IOTW Report

Kory: The Global Disinformation Campaign Against Ivermectin in COVID-19 (Part I)

The tactics deployed by the pharmaceutical industry in their decades-long war on repurposed drugs reached a zenith during COVID-19… and have resulted in true crimes against humanity.

11 Comments on Kory: The Global Disinformation Campaign Against Ivermectin in COVID-19 (Part I)

  1. I’m just getting into Kennedy’s book on Fauci, and Kory is prominently mentioned. What Kory and Kennedy have to say about big pharma and its champion Fauci are infuriating. Its a cabal of world-class criminals who have killed hundreds of thousands of people in the U.S. and millions world-wide with their obstruction of any and all early treatment protocols for the CCP virus.

  2. There are a few brave, I dare say hero, doctors out there. Kory is one of them. They are putting it all on the line for the sake of honesty in medicine and for the sake of people everywhere.

  3. “The tactics deployed by the pharmaceutical industry in their decades-long war on repurposed drugs reached a zenith during COVID-19… and have resulted in true crimes against humanity.“

    You forgot to mention that they were aided by corrupt politicians who have been bought and paid for by big Pharma. Politicians who have inside information and use that insider intel in the illegal buying and selling a pharmaceutical stock. This is criminal.

  4. @GM

    Its not exactly billions, because not it appears not all of India has switched to India. The Federal District of New Delhi (25 mil in an area the size of a postate stamp) and the province of Uttar Pradesh (240 mil in 90K sq miles and the country of Bangladesh 145 mil in area the size of Ohio) have beaten the pandemic with I-Mec

    Meanwhile two other provinces between Uttar and Bangla with yet another 180 mil Hindus dont report using it at all! How is that even possible!! If true, how can the leaders there survive the fallout!

  5. At age 76, I felt poorly and went to my Doctor, X-ray taken, and I had pneumonia in the lower left lobe…put on antibiotics. Asked him about Ivermectin as the vaccines were about two months away and Covid was to be feared…he told me, we are over thirty years friends, that the Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine treatments opened him to lawsuits but gave me a source. Four days later, fighting pneumonia, Covid hit me hard and I began the therapeutic course of Ivermectin and entered the hospital ten hours later with the balance of pills hidden..put on oxygen and refused other medicine except useless remdisiver…all symptoms except suffocation and hypoxia left me and was released three weeks later …no issues at all except two more weeks of oxygen therapy…I am amazed that the people behind the horse dewormer propaganda are still allowed to live..


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