Kremlin says Putin thanked Trump for CIA tip on bombings – IOTW Report

Kremlin says Putin thanked Trump for CIA tip on bombings

MOSCOW (AP) — The Kremlin says Russian President Vladimir Putin has called U.S. President Donald Trump to thank him for a CIA tip that has helped thwart a series of bombings in St. Petersburg.

The Kremlin said Putin told Trump during the call on Sunday that the information provided by the CIA was sufficient to track down and detain a group of suspects that was planning to bomb the Kazan Cathedral and other sites in the city.

The Kremlin says the Russian leader asked Trump to convey his gratitude to the CIA and said Russian law enforcement agencies will hand over any information they get about potential terror threats against the United States, as they have done in the past.

The conversation is the second phone call between the two leaders since Thursday.

8 Comments on Kremlin says Putin thanked Trump for CIA tip on bombings

  1. Just imagine what a terrible stain it would be on POTUS Trump to have been briefed by our intelligence about this and for him to not warn Putin in time to stop the carnage. Unlike Killery re Benghazi, and that other president who ignored the Kremlin’s warnings about attacks here.

  2. There you have your proof Maxine darling,’ collusion with the Ruskies. Onward with your impeachment process! POTUS Trump caught red-handed sharing intelligence with an known enemy.


    Because Obama and Hillary totally screwed up that foreign relations opportunity. They ran guns to terrorists against the Assad regime, and it worked out to no one’s benefit.

    Russia is for the war on terror, liberals are not. Obama let ISIS just walk all over the earth unchallenged w/o his written consent.

    Trump can actually get things done with a cooperative Russia, which liberals can’t stand.

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