Krugman Kicks Off 2015 With a Doozy – IOTW Report

Krugman Kicks Off 2015 With a Doozy

It’s going to be another hilarious year in the world of progtardism.Unknown

In an interview with perennial dipwad, Ezra Klein, Krugman said the following:

…as a Times columnist, I can’t do endorsements, so you have no idea which party I favor in general elections…

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15 Comments on Krugman Kicks Off 2015 With a Doozy

  1. Hey Krugman, maybe you should start an advice column.

    I have a starter question: Is it ok to wash my dirty underwear with tonight’s tablecloth? I don’t know who else to ask and you may be suited for this kind of thing. I don’t want to ask the guests.

  2. Hey Pauldo, lemme help you out: You’re a commie. Endorse Castro, hate Reagan? You’re a commie. Love Obama, hate America, you’re a commie. Favor big gummit, despise competitive, free market Capitalism? You’re a commie. On a first name basis with NYT and Princeton commies? You’re a commie. Effin idiot.

  3. Just like the vulture they don’t think about what they eat, vultures just eat it. Krugman just does what the hard wiring has him do, and thinks his view is normal.
    At least the vulture does a higher service to humanity.

  4. @Benito the BB. Here is an example of Paul Krugman on advice:

    Dear Pauliegirl.
    I left for work this morning leaving my husband, Jack, in bed. He is on the dole and hasn’t worked for months, so I have to.
    So I set off on my bike for the factory in town. About a half mile down the road, the chain fell off me bike. It was bitter cold so I couldn’t fix it. I walked on home with the bike and when I got there I found Bride O.Donahue , my neighbor, in bed with my Jack.
    What should I do. I’m so frustrated and confused. Shelia

    Dear Shelia
    Well the first thing to do is bring the bike into the kitchen,and out of the cold.
    Turn it up-side-down and balance it on its handle bars and saddle.
    Then with a 5/8 inch open end wrench (I’m sure Jack has one in his tool box), loosen the rear wheel and slide it back so the chain is snug, but not too tight. Tighten up the nuts, and off you go to work girl.

    Glad to be of help, Pail(Pauliegirl) Krugman, Irish Gazette and The New York Times.

  5. A few weeks ago, I read an article of his saying Obamacare must not be overturned by the courts due to an unfortunate “typo” (you know, the “typo” that said states that didn’t set up their own exchanges don’t get fed subsidies). While I can go on YouTube the same day and see Gruber declare that it was intentionally written that way. Krugman is a tool.

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