Krying with Kamala – IOTW Report

Krying with Kamala

Kamala Harris Posts Video with Crying Supporters: ‘You Are My Hero’.

Breitbart: Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) posted a short video on Friday that featured supporters telling her that she brings them to tears, about which Harris wrote, “It’s moments like”–followed by an emoji with hearts.

Harris, who has failed to gain any kind of significant momentum over the last few months, posted the video featuring two supporters who told the presidential hopeful that she brings them to tears.

“You are my hero — for all the women. You make me cry,” one woman said in the video.

“You had me crying, too,” a man added:

13 Comments on Krying with Kamala

  1. …crying. Yep, THAT’S something I look for in a President. /s

    …sorry girl, if crying got you free AF1 rides, we’d be saying “President Boehner”, he did it WAY better than YOU, and his feminine side REALLY came out when “Obama” was in the room…×600/1400×1400/filters:focal(252×252:348×348):format(jpeg)/

  2. I think her goal now is to try to stay on to the convention although that is unlikely. Start tracking the money now. Find out where every cent came from, who and for what service did it get paid out for, how much did she and her lieutenants spend and for what and finally how much is in the kitty right now. Do this for all of them, both parties.

  3. She makes me cry, also. Tears of incredulity and laughter that she is not only a pompous slut, but a complete idiot, without a soul or personality, and thinks she is presidential material. She is a shapeshifting, grifter, a whore who will say anything to any sugar daddy willing to pat her ass.

  4. Willie won’t tap that any more, it be too old. From concubine to queen is a long stretch, has been done though. The program had not the slightest depth, as the whore’s pitch does not. Immediate gratification is popular among a segment of the population but a lot of we deplorables don’t live that.

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