KTVU News Anchor Tells of ‘Experiencing Hate Firsthand’ from Antifa at Berkeley – IOTW Report

KTVU News Anchor Tells of ‘Experiencing Hate Firsthand’ from Antifa at Berkeley

NB: It’s amazing, but someone in the media actually wrote something about how awful Antifa is – and gave a firsthand account. Frank Somerville, anchors the 5, 6, and 10 p.m. news on KTVU in San Francisco, posted about the following experience he had at a Berkeley protest.

On his Facebook page, Somerville posted an article on how he “experienced hate firsthand” and “…it came from these people dressed in all black at a protest in Berkeley. Ironically they were all chanting about no hate.”

No kidding. People have been saying this since President Trump’s inauguration. Antifa isn’t a warm and cozy group – they’re just as awful as the neo-Nazi groups they claim to protest.

Somerville described Antifa as having shields and gloves, helmets and gas masks. Of course they sound scary or a bit intimidating, but he wanted to “take it all in” dressed only in shorts and a tank top. At one point, he took out his phone to take photos, in which the following altercation happened, full of “venom, anger hate and intolerance.” (Intolerance!? I thought the left prided themselves on being the tolerant ones!)

“Them: Hey! No pictures or we’ll take your phone!

(At that point I’d already taken these shots)

Me (In calm voice): You’re on public property and I can take a picture if I want to.

Them: Oh, so you’re a big man with a camera?

Me: No I just wanted to take a picture and talk with you.

Them (rushing toward me): We outnumber you and we will take your camera!

Me: You’re not going to take my camera and you’re not going to tell me what to do. Why can’t we just have a respectful conversation?

(I then touched one of them on her hand to say it’s okay I just want to talk.)

Them: Don’t touch me!

Me: I’m not trying to do anything. I just want to try to understand and have a respectful conversation.

Them: We’ll block your shot!

Me: That’s fine. All I wanted to do was have a conversation.

Them: Now is not the time.”

Somerville went on to say that a woman began screaming at him saying they weren’t interested in talking to him.

He writes that he was stunned, growing up in Berkeley he marched against the war during the Sixties. “It’s one thing to read about hate. It’s another thing to be right next to it. In my opinion, these people dressed in black are just as hateful and intolerant as the people they are protesting against.”

Somerville experienced what pro-Trump protesters experience on a daily basis – he just didn’t realize it.  MORE


14 Comments on KTVU News Anchor Tells of ‘Experiencing Hate Firsthand’ from Antifa at Berkeley

  1. I tend to be the suspicious type and I have to wonder whether the media is seeing the shift in public opinion and are adjusting their commentary and reporting accordingly. If I’m wrong then kudos to this reporter for being one of the first (nad I hope many) news media that will begin to report truthfully about the Antifa fascists. Hey, it’s a start.

  2. scr_north- I don’t think it’s anything to do with public opinion because the public thinks antifa and the other lefties are nuts. I do think it’s more of Pelosi’s and a few other Dems’ opinions that are making them change their tunes slowly. Plus the fact that antifa keeps beating the reporters up. lol

  3. ” We Will Take Your Phone ” – ” We Out number You, We Will Take Your Camera ?
    Who The Fu<k Do They Think They Are ?… " Don't Touch Me !" Fridgid Bitch !
    So Are They Anarchists With Authoritarian Leanings ??? LOL

  4. KTVU is one of my local news outfits. It wouldn’t surprise me if he did get fired. I think he’s a closet conservative. If it doesn’t happen now he may become even more vocal and then it will happen.

  5. I suspect they looked away from admiring themselves in the mirror and are beginning to realize that the public is on to their cabal of well-paid, far Left-wing, bomb-throwing, radicals, democRATs and their complicit knee-pad Media and don’t want to play that game anymore!

  6. His whole narrative lost me when it said he was in a tank top–bleh! Then he marched in the 60s in Berkeley. And then no one even hurt him except his feelings. Not buying any of it.

  7. “We outnumber you and we will take your camera!”

    They need to out number their victims because they’re all pussies. From what I’m hearing they plan on getting a lot more violent and a lot more sneaky. Pro Tip, when some asshole throws a sucker punch and at the end of said punch he looks like a Ballerina standing on one leg doing a pirouette, he’s never been in a fight before.

  8. Bad Brad : LOL ! I Know That Move , it’s Entertaining to Watch Them Spin as if They’re Turning In’to a Super Hero !!!

    Weak Individual’s Without A Leader – Or a God and No Common Sense !

  9. The guy is a fraud. He has been a vegan from age 12.
    Wiki link.
    If he sees the light I will be amazed.
    The media is the first thing that needs to go when it hits the fan.
    We are getting closer than most of us know.
    Get your email friend’s in order. With phone #,s.
    Mr. V at American Digest was there in the sixties and was a part of the free speech movement , as was David Horowitz.
    Fine men both of them. They know the true history.
    He was born in 1958. “He writes that he was stunned, growing up in Berkeley he marched against the war during the Sixties”
    His friend’s were throwing dirt clods at him that’s the only war he knew.

  10. Plantsman,

    You just made something pop into my mind you might find interesting. My WWII vet dad taught me how to fight. How to throw a punch, think retracting twice as fact as you throw, try and time the clench of the fist on impact, mentally punch 6 inched behind your target, move right on a right hander left on a south paw. Use your hips for power. On and on. Time goes on and after wresting for a long time I joined a boxing CLUB in college. Dad was right on the fing money. And I wasn’t the only person taught by pops that was experiencing the same thing. I guess we are raising pussies now. First time I ever really thought about that.

  11. Bad Brad :Sound Like You Had The Perfect Teacher With Dad !
    Kids are Really Softening up , Iv’e Coached Loads of Tody’s Kiddos and I’m Yet To See One Fight I’m Fairly Stern But Still Boy’s Fight …Right ?
    Well Mine Never Have, The Parent’s Let Me Know about Fights at School So I’m Aware But Again Only Two Fights. I Guess I Should Be Happy about !

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