Kudlow: “The U.S. is the Hottest Economy in the World” – IOTW Report

Kudlow: “The U.S. is the Hottest Economy in the World”


h/t CTH

8 Comments on Kudlow: “The U.S. is the Hottest Economy in the World”

  1. The Average Democrat has no idea any of this is happening, they’ve been Programmed to “Tune Out” the second they hear his voice or her his name.
    If they accidentally Spy him on the TV, they look like they want to vomit.
    I’ve witnessed this effect, and that’s how it goes down.
    They are Pitiful people !

  2. I have a question that has been bothering me for the past several months: Under obama the conservative pundits and labor stats claimed there were some 90 million working aged Americans who could not find work. POTUS Trump and his economic team say that we’ve added 3.4 million new jobs to the economy since the election, and that unemployment is down to 3.X%. My question: What happened to the other 86-87 million unemployed Americans? Are the current numbers still based on the obama labor force/employment stats? Is the current administration not counting (as obama did not before it) those who have fallen off the labor stats despite not finding jobs? Not trying to be a fly in the ointment; just very curious about this. Anyone know?

  3. AA, those not in the work force who are not receiving benefits still do not count in the unemployment figure. Americans capable and eligible for work who are still unemployed remains at or near an all time high. Wages have ticked up recently, but there are still a plethora of part-time and under-utilized Americans in the work force who would rather be at a job they trained for instead of flipping burgers. Obama’s numbers were fudged for quite some time to keep people on the dole and unemployment percentage artificially high. Remember 99ers – Those that received 99 weeks of unemployment benefits? That’s what helped push the unemployment percentage over 10 along with the shit economy. It was a snowball effect and Obama was happy to push that ball down the hill. In addition to near $1 trillion of TARP and countless trillions of QE. Wages ticking up and inflation finally ticking up with the Fed raising rates with a (still) weak job force is a recipe for recession. I take the contrary view – When everyone starts saying how good the economy is that’s when it takes a dump. Not overnight, but it’s coming if we keep on this same path. Cracks are already developing in the stock and (not as recently) bond market. Some $83 billion of Fed backed assets are maturing on Monday and will continue to mature each month. The old adage of BTFD (buy the f–ing dip) is coming to a screeching halt and the ponzi scheme that has been called the stock market for the past 8 years is going to be exposed.


  4. @ecp — Thanks very much! The latter part especially interests me because I’ve been way too optimistic in the past and held when I should have sold and hunkered. There’s not as much time remaining to go through another market hit and wait for clawing back my losses. I’m going to put this to my advisor and see what he thinks. He’s a sharp guy. I’ve already adjusted my risk a couple times this year, but there’s always room for improvement.


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