Kyle knows…๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ – IOTW Report

Kyle knows…๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Pfft. EVERYBODY knows.

32 Comments on Kyle knows…๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  1. Ummm… wellllll… you know…..the thing.
    This has been bullshit from the beginning.

  2. these f’kn prosecutors need to have their ball sacks stretched out and wrapped around their necks and hanged by them and other lawyers ought to do it, just to preserve what is left of their profession.

  3. It didn’t get any better for them today, the medical examiner also destroyed the prosecution.
    Then you had a defense witness that was supposed to be a state witness, but he wouldn’t change his testimony even though the ADA tried told him to. Even after they tried to bully him to get him to say that wasn’t really true, he held his guns and said he wanted him to lie.

    Also someone was caught recording the jurors.

  4. Loco, youโ€™re right. But when they stake out such asinine positions, then follow up a stoopid statement with a fuck you too, I think weโ€™re getting the best that this one has to offer.

  5. Pretty sure Bob bobby is the nickname Willie gave to kamala. And hopefully Kyle makes a ton of money suing the shit out of these fuckers for defamation and wrongful prosecution. Or at the very least gets to shoot a few more antifags in the near future. I’m sure they won’t let him live in peace.

  6. It will be interesting to see if Kyle does in fact take the stand. His attorney said he would but no way would he have believed the prosecution so weak, his witnesses so accommodating to Kyle’s defense, no way he could have predicted that the case against his client would vaporize before his very eyes.

    As for the trolls, I just wish that instead hit and running, coming by and saying something stupid then running back to the basement, that they would stick around long enough to make an argument. If you got a different opinion, express it, try to be persuasive and leave the weak ass emotion at home.

  7. Watch Timcast today. The media, especially NBC and NPR are deliberately lying, so if/when there is an acquittal, all the idiots who believed them will be dumbfounded, and riot “for justice”. With the photographing of the jurors, and threats of rioting if the verdict does not go their (the mob’s) way, I am afraid the jury will cave to the intimidation, as has happened in the past.

  8. rich taylor

    No reason to put him on the stand. This little Libtard family affair just went down in flames and eventually probably owe Kyle a shit load of cash. Wrongful prosecution comes to mind. In other headlines they have a witness for the prosecution claiming the prosecution team “demand” he change his testimony. That ain’t good.

  9. Bob Bobby & Larry
    I’m sorry there isn’t any help for the true believers out there. Turn of the TV, is a good place to start.

    Ignorance can be fixed, Stupid is forever.

  10. @JD Hasty — You and about 60 million friends!

    And thank God Almighty most of it was on video of some kind. The prosecution could have lied their way right on through. Hell’s bells! They tried that anyway!

  11. Itโ€™s hard to imagine putting Kyle on the stand. The prosecution witnesses were more convincing than he could be. Heโ€™s only 18, could easily be trapped into a bad comment. I bet the prosecution believes their only hope is to get Kyle on the stand.

  12. ^^^^^Exactly. The only reason I’d do it was if he demanded to set the record strait and I’d still advise him against it. Prosecution made fools out of themselves. Praise God he got a decent judge.

  13. When von Rath was murdered in Paris by Grynszpan, Grynszpan’s lawyer advised him to tell the Gestapo that he was von Rath’s homosexual lover in order to avoid a trial.
    That’s what Grynszpan did – and he did avoid a trial.
    But he was sent to a Concentration Camp, regardless, and died there.

    Mr. Rittenhouse needs to constantly watch his back – these are treacherous, deceitful people and we are living in Evil times.

    There is absolutely no reason to assume that the facts will change the decision.
    As Mr. Pinko points out above, the facts haven’t changed the outcome of a stolen election.

    izlamo delenda est …

  14. a) Kyle is acquitted of all charges

    b) Kyle is acquitted of any murder, manslaughter & attempted murder charges but the State gets it’s revenge by convicting him of some or all of the lesser charges.

    c) the jury is intimidated and does a Derek Chauvin on Kyle, convicting him of all charges

    I’m going with B but hoping for A

  15. Just a thought

    Why would these prosecutors do any better against Kyle than they did with their own witnesses. These people are a joke. I could do a better examination in a moot court competition. In fact, I have

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