Kyle Rittenhouse launches project to sue corporate media outlets, celebrities over lies – IOTW Report

Kyle Rittenhouse launches project to sue corporate media outlets, celebrities over lies

PM: Kyle Rittenhouse joined Tucker Carlson on Fox News on Monday night to announce the creation of the Media Accountability Project “as a tool to help fundraise and hold the media accountable for the lies they said and deal with them in court.”

Rittenhouse said that he and his team were inspired to create this new project, to hold media accountable for the kind of misinformation and disinformation that were levied at him after he shot three men, killing two, in self-defense in August 2020 in Kenosha, Wisc. He was arrested, charged, and tried, and was found not guilty of all counts, with a jury finding that he had, in fact, acted in self-defense. read more

17 Comments on Kyle Rittenhouse launches project to sue corporate media outlets, celebrities over lies

  1. This is certainly a noble project, but even if he was able to secure the money that it would take to sue the media corporations, I don’t think it could overcome the crooked legal system.

  2. This gladdens my heart!

    On another note, it sure would be a great thing to get rid of these a-holes that post on SO MANY blogs about how to get rich quick. Do they think the people that come here are gullible lefties? If the admin would remove the ability to post a link, it would solve the problem. Mi dos centavos.

  3. This young man appears to have been raised correctly. It is heartening to see real young men are out there, not just soy boys who have been scared away from their masculinity. Kyle seems to understand the importance of standing up for himself, a white man, and what is right; so refreshing.

  4. Fitton’s not an attorney.

    I watched Kyle announce the creation of this enterprise last night on Tucker Carlson. I suspect that Rittenhouse needs to raise funds to sue media after Lin Wood screwed him over before the trail (Wood left him sitting in jail for months when the bail money had been crowd sourced. I believe there was a dispute over how Wood was paying for his services while providing little actual representation in court).

    I wish they’d treat this enterprise as a corporate venture, selling shares for an opportunity to participate in the settlements.

    I also wonder if Rittenhouse is going to have a harder time making libel cases, seeing as how he did actually kill two and wound one on the streets of Kenosha. Sandman only stood his ground against the drum beating idiot activist, those cases may have been much easier to make before a jury. Don’t get me wrong, I want Rittenhouse to sue the bejesus out of every media source and personality that slandered him (Kyle said on Tucker he was going after Whoopie and Cenk Uygur in particular), I just wonder how confident his legal team is about his chances. I bet they want a portion of the money up front before embarking on suing the media.


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