Kyrsten Sinema Breaks Chuck Schumer’s Heart – IOTW Report

Kyrsten Sinema Breaks Chuck Schumer’s Heart

Red State: Kyrsten Sinema is a name that has slipped from the headlines the past year or so, but she’s back in a big way today. Sinema, a Democrat, rose to prominence after defeating Martha McSally in Arizona’s 2018 Senate race. Of course, that is hardly much of an achievement as McSally managed to lose both of Arizona’s seats in the span of two years. Yet, Sinema has tried to carve out for herself a sort of maverick role in which she attempts to maintain some semblance of independence. I once joked that she’s basically the most conservative senator Arizona has seen in a decade, and I was only half joking (see Kyrsten Sinema Sure Seems Like the Most Conservative Senator AZ Has Had in a Decade).

Regardless, the question has always been how independent Sinema actually is. Would she stand up in the face of pressure from her own party, or would she fold and go along to get along? Perhaps we have an answer, at least on one front.

Sinema is taking off the table any discussion of her voting to nuke the filibuster. more

14 Comments on Kyrsten Sinema Breaks Chuck Schumer’s Heart

  1. How Politicians communicate:
    Chucky: “Filibuster bad. Must Go Away”
    S-enema: I no change mind on filibuster”
    Chucky: “What can I do to make you say ‘Filibuster bad'”?
    S-enema: “I knew you’d see it my way.”

    … and that’s how deals are made in Washington.

  2. Dem leaders remember 2010 well. They passed 0bamacare and Dodd-Frank with the barest of margins, 60 senators for cloture until Ted Kennedy died and a Republican took his place. In fact the final vote for 0bamacare happened after the special election was scheduled (although before the vote). Joe Pickup (Scott Brown) won the special election. The temporary replacement should have stopped voting once the election was scheduled, as was prior practice, but they had to pass it so we could see what was in it so propriety was tossed aside.
    Dems are in a similar boat now, with the barest majority in the Senate and not much more in the House. They know that 2022 could lead to loss of that 3-way control, and will not let anything get in their way.

  3. My Senator is a coo-coo bird. She dresses like Cindy Lauper, swings both ways (she says so), and must have dirt on a lot of important people in AZ. dunno why she won, really dunt.
    AZ took some wild turns in the last decade or so. A strong Repub state is now a wishy-washy California 2.0 or something.

  4. srdem65. you can thank the McCains for all of it.
    They blocked Kelli Ward and even came into NV and started shit against Sharron Angle when she ran against Harry Reid. Yeah, and the lights went out in Henderson, the vote count stopped and when it resumed, Reid was winning until there were more votes than people. Imagine that.

  5. Interesting woman. Somewhat of a rebel free-thinker maybe against an oppressive upbringing in the Mormon Church and childhood poverty, maybe.

    She was valedictorian of Walton High School in DeFuniak Springs Florida at age 16. She got a B.A. from Brigham Young U. at age 18, at which time she quit that church.

    She worked as a social worker in Phoenix while getting a Master of Social Work from Arizona State in 1999. In 2004 she graduated law school, and worked as a criminal defense lawyer. Before that, while still in law school she worked as an adjunct professor teaching grant-writing amd as business law professor. In 2008, she finished Harvard U. John F. Kennedy School of Government program. In 2012 she got a Ph.D.


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