Kyrsten Sinema Slams Arizonans, Republicans, and Stay-At-Home Moms – IOTW Report

Kyrsten Sinema Slams Arizonans, Republicans, and Stay-At-Home Moms

Breitbart: Yet another video has surfaced of Democrat Senate candidate Kyrsten Sinema mocking Arizonans, this time calling Arizona “famous in a Lindsay Lohan kind of way.”

“All around the world people know what’s happening in Arizona, and not in a good way,” Sinema said in a speech identified as dating back to 2011. “We’re not famous, like, in a good way.”

“We kind of like, in a Lindsay Lohan kind of famous way, not good,” she completed the smear. Lohan spent time in rehab for substance abuse and jail for drunk driving, possession of cocaine, and theft from 2007 to 2011.

Sinema, who is running against Republican Rep. Martha McSally to replace outgoing Sen. Jeff Flake, has repeatedly belittleded the people of Arizona.

Sinema called Arizona the “meth lab of democracy” in her 2010 Netroots Nation speech. She credited the statement to the Daily Show, then added, “But I’m happy to steal it and use it all the time.”

During a 2011 speech in Texas, Sinema proclaimed Arizonans “crazy” and her intention to teach her audience how to “stop your state from becoming Arizona.” She faulted Republicans for making the state crazy. A 2006 Phoenix Business Journal report cited a 944 magazine interview with Sinema in which she called conservative Republicans “neaderthals” and disparaged stay-at-home moms as “leeching off their husbands.”  MORE HERE

12 Comments on Kyrsten Sinema Slams Arizonans, Republicans, and Stay-At-Home Moms

  1. ‘”It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt.” Mark Twain

    Bill Murray
    People are like music, some speak the truth and others are just noise.

    Common sense is like deodorant. The people who need it most never use it.

  2. Uh… So butt-hurt, blue “people,” will be offended? And vote against her? Because the truth hurts? It burns! I’m good wit dat.

    Oh? Did you want me to “destroy” her arguments? No, you really don’t want that. You really don’t.

  3. TRF October 17, 2018 at 12:45 pm

    She had no idea where on the map the country of Antenna wuz when she saw a TV with “Built In Antenna” marked on the back…

    Lol. Probably just north of Cathode del Raytube.

    We have a local small city named Gun Barrel, TX.

    When my last GF was a child, she would hear news story after news story about someone being robbed at gun point and she wondered where that city was so she could stay far away from all the robbers living there.

    She said she was in her late teens before realizing her mistake.


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