L.A City Firefighters: From Heroes to Zeroes – IOTW Report

L.A City Firefighters: From Heroes to Zeroes

American Thinker-

By Drew Allen

Shortly after the ‘War Against COVID’ began, the government designated two new categories of American citizens — the largely arbitrary classification of ‘essential’ and ‘nonessential’ workers. Firefighters and paramedics were deemed essential, for good reasons.

But now, like their colleagues on the frontline in the medical profession, these brave men and women — once heralded as heroes — are now scorned as villains.

In the state of California, they have gone from heroes to zeroes in the eyes of despotic Democrats, who have given them an ultimatum: get vaccinated or get fired.

In August the Los Angeles City Council voted 13-0 to approve a law requiring all city employees to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Since then, a group of more than 600 L.A. City firefighters have banded together to sue the city of Los Angeles to prevent the mandate from being enforced.

While the results of that lawsuit are yet to be determined, come October 20th, those firefighters who have not been fully vaccinated will be terminated. At present, that means approximately 1,600 — nearly 50 percent — of the approximately 3,200 LAFD personnel will be unemployed.  read more

17 Comments on L.A City Firefighters: From Heroes to Zeroes

  1. Let it burn. They voted for it, let it go to hell. As long as they don’t have to suffer the consequences of their elitist rules, they will subjugate the ‘deplorables’.

    STOP trying to fix crazy. Let it burn. Lose your home? Camp out at the gates of the elite. They have water, food, security, EVERYTHING.

  2. 9-1-1 what seems to be the problem?
    I am experiencing xxxxxxxx
    Are you a democrat?
    We will send someone whenever we can get someone willing to work for **** pay and being demeaned by you and people you have voted for. Have a good day

  3. I just can’t get over their ignoring the fact that people with antibodies because they actually had the covid are a far lower risk than people with the jab who haven’t had the covid. And yet it seems to be that way all around the world.

  4. @LCD – “…I just can’t get over their ignoring the fact that people with antibodies because they actually had the covid are a far lower risk than people with the jab who haven’t had the covid…”

    I know that you know the answer to that conundrum…follow the money.

  5. Frankly, who gives a shit, these folks most likely gave to demtardo campaigns, and voted for them. Got as much respect for them as I do the dirty, low life, scum sucking san jose police dept.

  6. Whomever they donated to is irrelevant. Both parties are fucking worthless. Have you seen 1 CA Republican(?) pol besides Larry Elder calling out the dems because if you have, please tell me who.

    See if this rings a bell.
    First they came for the firefighters…

  7. I spoke to this on previous threads, so because I’m lazy and this is the first one I could find, I’ll reiterate it here. I’m also including the bit Brad posted that caused me to write it in this case, because he puts what most hero-fatigued folks are probably thinking very well.

    It still applies.

    FWIW, I did that job, long ago. I just really enjoyed legally blowing traffic lights. Anything else was just gravy. Nothing heroic there except for the heroic amounts of money I spent making my personal car light up like seizure-inducing waterfront saloon that went disco with a DJ a bit too into siren sounds.

    It was fun while it lasted.


    JANUARY 24, 2021 AT 11:44 PM
    “I knew someone was going to post he was a hero. So I laid in wait in ambush. LOL.
    We need to ban the word “Hero” from the Funk and Wagnel. Everyone’s a fucking hero. Its become a participation trophy.Nurses are heros, fire fighters are hero’s, teachers are heros. So if you can do your job, you’re a hero.”

    …amen and amen.

    …this one time, my wife glowingly told me about her scatterbrained, literally redheaded, female cousin in CA who had got her EMT license and had called her one day to brag about how she “saved a life”. I don’t know what my wife was expecting MY response to be, but judging from the look on her face, it wasn’t the “So what does she want, a cookie? That’s the JOB” that she GOT.

    …because it IS.

    …she was trained, equipped, paid, and supported specifically for the purpose of saving lives. Its nice that she gave her agency and customer some ROI, but that’s all it was. Congratulating a medic for saving a life is like congratulating your mechanic for saving your car. It’s expected behavior, nothing more.

    Same with doctors and nurses, police and firefighters.

    God bless ’em for doing it, but ain’t no one forcing ’em to.

    It’s just a dirty shame that Democrats are forcing them out because they want power, but that’s by no means restricted to those professions.

    I fully expect to lose my factory job over no jab. Not because I want to or even because my employer wants me to, but because, federal contracts and a fuckheaded pedo posing as pedodent.

    That’s a looot of people they’re planning to force out of work tho, many of them young and healthy, and folks can get resentful when they are wronged.

    …and you know what they say about idle hands, many of which know how to grasp an axe and make quick, forcible entries…

  8. @ ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS
    The (p)Resident has thought deeply about this and has determined that all those he (personally) has brought in from Afghanistan, plus all those a former (p)Resident brought in from Africa and installed in and around skinny Minnie should be able to take over.

  9. And another thing, regarding essential workers. If you have a job and you’re supporting your family and yourself, your job is essential.
    So now a lot of people are going to get fired because they didn’t get the jab whether they’re essential according to them or not. FJB.


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