L.A. Mayor Signs Law Banning Possession Of 10+ Magazines – IOTW Report

L.A. Mayor Signs Law Banning Possession Of 10+ Magazines

Gunalizer– Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, has officially signed the ordinance that bans possession of normal magazines, that hold more than ten rounds. Despite the reality, that this ordinance will in no way affect crime, other than to target law abiding people that have legally acquired such magazines. There is no empirical evidence that supports it.

The law is an obvious violation of the right to keep and bear arms as well as property rights. It’s what happens when politicians decide, that political posturing is more important, than actually combating crime. In their political world, they are rewarded for such failure, and thus there is no incentive for them to improve the lives of citizens by advocating for the principles of American freedom. Freedom that has the potential to render leftist ideology obsolete. Β MORE


16 Comments on L.A. Mayor Signs Law Banning Possession Of 10+ Magazines

  1. “Possession Of 10 round Mags”
    What a freaken joke
    Any Mag in Cali over 10 are considered HiCap and are illegal to use or carry with and have been for a long time. I guess this asshat wants everyone to clean out their sock drawers. Or he just figured out “Hey, the bad guys aren’t paying attention to our gun laws.” Yea you dumb ass the good guys are the ones at a disadvantage in a gun fight thanks to people like you.

  2. There are zero gun stores in the city of Los Angeles. Zero. I don’t think it would be against the law to open one, but they made it so onerous that the existing ones closed many years ago. Fortunately not all its neighbor cities feel the same, so there are some around – just not within L.A. city limits.
    Now I believe either L.A. or Plano, TX has the lowest murder rate by firearm in the country. I just can’t seem to remember which of the two it is…

  3. You are of course, correct. Reckon I’ll just go back to where I started B-Brad and only if I HAVE to go to L.A. (pituey) … a 686 and 4 speed-loaders oughta suffice.

    Saw a proficient gentleman fire 18 rounds accurately of .357 in under 15 seconds with speed loaders about 25 years ago. This magazine capacity argument is bull crap.

  4. I hear ya’, but I’ll take a wheel-gun any day. Been very proficient with them over the years. Beat out every auto (and wheel-gun) in the academy with an antique. πŸ™‚ In fact, that’s what the wife has. No failure to feed drills, just pull the trigger, and reload when it only goes, “click.” πŸ˜‰

  5. “Yea you dumb ass the good guys are the ones at a disadvantage in a gun fight thanks to people like you.”

    I’m one of the good guys, and not only am I NOT turning in my standard capacity magazines, I’m buying more.

    Because – I. Will. Not. Comply.

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