L.A Teachers Head Ready to Incite a ‘State Crisis’ If Union Demands Not Met – IOTW Report

L.A Teachers Head Ready to Incite a ‘State Crisis’ If Union Demands Not Met

CPR: Alex Caputo-Pearl is the president of United Teachers Los Angeles, a union that has a long and storied history of discarding presidents elected as firebrands but who reign as defenders of the status quo. Caputo-Pearl seems determined to end that cycle and bring teacher union militancy to the entire state of California.

In a July 29 speech to at the UTLA Leadership Conference, Caputo-Pearl outlined the union’s plans as it readies for the expiration of its contract next year and a gubernatorial election in 2018.

“The next year-and-a-half must be founded upon building our capacity to strike, and our capacity to create a state crisis, in early 2018,” Caputo-Pearl told an audience of 800 activists. “There simply may be no other way to protect our health benefits and to shock the system into investing in the civic institution of public education.”

While it’s not clear what form a “state crisis” would take, Caputo-Pearl described a series of actions the union will undertake in coming months, beginning with a paid media campaign in September denouncing “billionaires … driving the public school agenda” and a “massive” political mobilization to ensure the November passage of Proposition 55, which would extend a 2012 measure that raised taxes on high-earning residents to fund schools.  MORE

7 Comments on L.A Teachers Head Ready to Incite a ‘State Crisis’ If Union Demands Not Met

  1. Teacher’s unions-THE number 1 enemy of this country.

    No? Why do you think Bill Ayers went into “education” after he unsuccessfully tried to blow up his way to a revolution? Give him this, the fucker looked ahead and saw where the weakness was(is)

    Now it’s us on the outside looking in and wondering WHATINTHEHELL????

    Institute a national voucher system similar to the GI Bill and eliminate the Dept/Education-we’d have this turned around in 1 generation.

  2. The boy looks like he hasn’t missed too many meals lately, has he?
    And. . .and. . . I thought teachers did it for the love and the joy of the CHILLLLLDREN. Not for anything so grubby and demeaning as MONEY. Euck!

  3. The other front is to do everything they can to shut down home schooling so they have this kind of power.


    MM, You having only 4 TUs before I read your comment is a shame. It is perfectly on target.

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