L.A. Times Asks if County Sheriff Exemplifies ‘Worst’ Latino ‘Traits’ – IOTW Report

L.A. Times Asks if County Sheriff Exemplifies ‘Worst’ Latino ‘Traits’

Breitbart: The Los Angeles Times has published a series of articles asking whether Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva exemplifies the “worst” Latino “traits,” a claim that, if the writer were not Latino, would be widely recognized as racist.

The series of articles, by columnist Gustavo Arellano, is titled: “L.A. County’s sheriff leans on his Latino identity. Does he exemplify our worst traits?”

The series was highlighted by the newspaper as the “editors’ pick,” complete with the “worst Latino traits” headline. more h/t Brad.

10 Comments on L.A. Times Asks if County Sheriff Exemplifies ‘Worst’ Latino ‘Traits’

  1. If you don’t toe the liberal line it doesn’t matter what group or sub group you belong to, you will have enemies looking to take you down! And the media is an enemy!

  2. What are the worst male Latin tendencies? Following is a humorous take on them. Sort of a take-off of Pat Boone’s old hit “Speedy Gonzalez, Why Don’t You Come Home” which of course is never heard on the radio anymore.

    -Did he father at least 11 children from 11 different Latino women?

    -Does he beat his women when they complain about his drunkeness?

    -Does he drink 3 quarts of Mescal every day and eats the worm as well?

    -Does he eat burritos for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?

    -Does he eat the hottest salsa on earth?

    -Does he lassoo his kids with real Mexican rope?

    -Does he smoke horseshit cigarettes?

    -Does he wear a sombrero?

    -Does he wave the Mexican flag during soccer games?

    -Has he gotten all his extended Mexican family of 237 farm workers to join him in the US?

    Betcha none of these are covered in the LA Slimes articles.

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