L.A. Times Columnist Apologizes, Retracts ‘Body-Shaming’ of Sarah Huckabee Sanders – IOTW Report

L.A. Times Columnist Apologizes, Retracts ‘Body-Shaming’ of Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Breitbart California: Pulitzer Prize-winning Los Angeles Times columnist and cartoonist David Horsey apologized to White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Friday, after publishing an article in which he mocked her appearance, calling her a “slightly chunky soccer mom.”

Horsey’s “body-shaming” took up the first two full paragraphs of his column, which went on to accuse Sanders of lying on behalf of President Donald Trump.

Breitbart News highlighted the column on Friday morning, and Fox News made inquiries to the Times. On Friday afternoon, those paragraphs had been removed from the article, and replaced by an apology from Horsey:

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22 Comments on L.A. Times Columnist Apologizes, Retracts ‘Body-Shaming’ of Sarah Huckabee Sanders

  1. Too late, too bad. It can’t be un-read. If Mrs Sanders chooses to accept the apology that’s her prerogative, but it doesn’t change what he did volitionally.

    Horsey is as worthy of the Pulitzer, as Obozo and AlGore were of the Nobel Prize.
    Those Committees should recall these awards to try and save their validity. As it stands, they’ve become laughable.

  2. Has this cat seen the cast of The View?
    If he is into body shaming, that’s a target rich environment.
    He’s only 66, I have seen fewer lines on a Los Angeles road map.

  3. She’s pretty.
    She ain’t Hollywood pretty
    She’s a real woman, living on Planet Earth, having a real job, living a real life, raising kids pretty
    Horsey needs his ass kicked.
    She looks like she has a great sense of humor.
    Damn leftist yellow journalists

  4. So, the cartoonist has higher standards than the NYT opinion columnist.

    In fairness, Frank Bruni only has access to Twitter, a widely read column, and is buddy buddy with a lot of reporters so he may not have had an opportunity to take back his comments yet.

  5. They only made us like Sarah H. Sanders even more! But, in all honesty, she really should change her eye makeup. I think it’s too dark and heavy on her.
    Other than that I think she’s great and I love her Southern accent, especially because it’s natural.

  6. One of my greatest joys of President Trump is that the leftists are driven to insanity; so much so that they have and continue to expose just how hollow and black their souls are.

    The insanity of progressive ideology has seeped insidiously into America, through education, power-hungry politicians, and ‘social justice(?) warriors’.

    However, everytime one of these progressive robots think that they are safe enough to display their progressive peacock feathers and then get knocked down, I REJOICE, because I see the progressive leftists, getting smacked down, as the turning of the tide of the swamp.

    Of course, they are as sinsere as a donkey saying sorry about pooping where it wants, but they ARE being called on the outrage.

    I think a quote attributed to General Yamamoto certainly applies, “I fear we have awakened a sleeping giant and filled him with a terrible resolve.” America has awakened and President Trump has shown that we don’t have to play by the bullying progressive rules.

  7. Did anybody notice whether the SJW’s and Feministas went after him on Twitter, Facebook or in the LAT’s comments sections? There should have been hundreds of thousands of attacks on him but if there weren’t it would just go to show that the SJW, Feministas and all those others that claim to stand up for womens rights and to protect them only step up to the fray if it’s a conservative attacking a liberal/left. Anytime any of your left friends describe how equela minded they are just point this example out.

  8. Groucho

    He came out as gay the instant he wrote that column

    That has “I hate women because my mother was an emotionally abusive twat who never formed a bond with me” all over it.

    Funny how gay men will deny that this is the source of their “gayness” and then proceed to prove the point over and over again

  9. What an absurd apology. Your Editor should have stated that it “failed to meet the standards of our newspaper.” Right before he rejected it, if it truely was against the standards.
    How the Hell can you say “It also failed to meet the expectations I have for myself.” You set your standards. Do you have multiple Personalities? Are you prone to possession? What you say is fluff, What you do, is your standards.

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