Wearing a mask indoors with others reduces the risk of both getting & transmitting the virus. We’re requiring masking for everyone while indoors at public settings & businesses, regardless of vaccination status so that we can stop the increased level of transmission we’re seeing.— LA Public Health (@lapublichealth) July 15, 2021

Just one month after Gov. Dippity Do told us we can toss our masks, LA County just announced that masks will need to be worn indoors and in public spaces REGARDLESS of vaccines. more

20 Comments on LA County: MASK UP EVERYONE !

  1. How much you want to bet cases start to go up wearing your dirty possibly graphene / nano particle tainted face diaper again. How much of Covid was lung infection from masks and faulty testing.

  2. I saw a friend at the grocery store this week and he was the only guy in the place wearing a mask. I asked him “What’s up with that? I thought you had the vaccine?” “I did,” he said. “The vaccine doesn’t keep you from getting Covid, it only keeps you from dying from it.” I didn’t even know what to say. He wouldn’t listen, anyway.

  3. The stupid fuckers replying to that tweet apparently have no memory of ever being told that getting the shot DOESN’T keep you from catching or transmitting Covid, so I’d be curious to see how many of these “new” infections are people who had already had it.

  4. Keep in mind that it doesn’t go into effect until Saturday midnight, because Science!!!
    Also, only L.A. County, Newsom won’t do it statewide because he has a recall in a couple of months and needs every bit of positivity going his way.
    You know, cases are going up right now all around the country, yet vaccination rates only go in one direction – up – so how does the claim that cases are going up due to low vaccination rates work??? Related – CO has just ticked up a bit the past couple of days after dropping steadily, yet CA has been rising for a month. They have similar vax rates. Why? Science???

  5. All the comments say “I shouldn’t have to wear a mask, I can’t infect others, I’m vaccinated”.

    None of them say, “I shouldn’t have to WORRY about getting Da Coof BECAUSE I’m vaccinated”.

    None of them question the Government numbers.

    And all of them think The Government should use all the force it wants to “keep us safe”…

  6. billyhall206: “I wish she would wear a mask, or maybe she already is
    she’s scary looking
    I’m triggered”

    Didn’t you hear? Saying “triggered” or “trigger warning” is now triggering and we’re not supposed to do it anymore in case someone gets triggered by it.

  7. Left Coast Dan
    JULY 16, 2021 AT 11:57 AM

    “…Also, only L.A. County, Newsom won’t do it statewide because he has a recall in a couple of months and needs every bit of positivity going his way.”

    He’ll be fine.

    I should know.

    And I DO.

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