LA Drivers Attack Pro-Hamas Protestors blocking Highway  – IOTW Report

LA Drivers Attack Pro-Hamas Protestors blocking Highway 

Welcome to The Gateway Pundit’s Week-in-Review with Elijah Schaffer where he covers the top 5 stories throughout the week in under 10 minutes.

Angry LA Drivers Take Decisive Action Against Pro-Hamas Protesters After They Shut Down a Freeway and Trap School Buses

12 Comments on LA Drivers Attack Pro-Hamas Protestors blocking Highway 

  1. Didn’t the seditious gay Kenyan commie say something like “There is nothing more beautiful than the sound of eeyowwwwm, thump-thump, errrch, thump-thump, errrch, thump-thump, errrch, thump-thump, in the morning?

  2. if I said it once, I’ve said it a 1,000 times …. zip tie the muddafugga’s to the nearest guard rail, sign post, tree, car bumper, whatever!

    sit there, assholes! we’ve got lives to live & you are NOT allowed to ‘eff’ them up w/out our permission!

    I got an idea, instead of pretending it’s ok to deal w/ the stink, we seriously need to deal w/ taking out the trash

  3. Excuse me, but you are interfering on my “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”.
    I’m probably trying to get to work, make money, and pay for your dumbass college degree.
    Not to mention those who fought and died protecting your right to be stupid.

  4. I was almost raped twice while visiting Barcelona in 1977. I found that kicking my assailants in the groin and then running like the wind was very effective.
    I think that this measure should be used against both male and female protestors. It hurts like hell in the moment, you can move them out of the way, but in one hour, they will be OK again.


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