LA is blasting loud classical music at downtown subway station to deter homeless people: Report – IOTW Report

LA is blasting loud classical music at downtown subway station to deter homeless people: Report

CFP: Los Angeles has started to blast loud classical music at one of its downtown subway stations in a brazen attempt to deter homeless people and crack down on crime.

LA Metro operations and security, in cooperation with local law enforcement, started playing piano sonatas, symphony orchestra pieces and concertos by Vivaldi, Beethoven and Mozart on repeat in the Westlake/MacArthur Park Metro station in January. WATCH

45 Comments on LA is blasting loud classical music at downtown subway station to deter homeless people: Report

  1. To all the critics who liken playing classical music to “torture”?
    Maybe you’d prefer putting the homeless up at your house instead?

  2. For those looking for a great contemporary piano and string album to play while relaxing you will NOT be disappointed with “Cristofori’s Dream” by David Lanz.

    It’s been around since 1988.
    I put it in the CD player and let it play all day.

  3. Just heard this in the last day or so
    Something I never knew
    Don’t know if this new info is true
    Someone said Springsteen wrote Blinded by the Light
    This new news is a bit of a bummer
    Blinded by the Light rocks
    Springsteen was never a fav
    I’d prefer it if this new news wasn’t true
    However, upon review of the lyric
    “Wrapped up like a Duece”
    It is so stupid that even a half-english speaking Manfred
    Would never have written such a stupid line in an otherwise awesome song.
    I prefer to think it was the Keyboardist and Singer that made that song Great.

    Suck a Lemon, Springsteen

  4. President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
    AT 11:51 PM
    “To all the critics who liken playing classical music to “torture”?
    Maybe you’d prefer putting the homeless up at your house instead?”

    How about in mental institutions? You know, where we used to put people who were unable to take care of themselves and were a danger to themselves and others before Democrats figured out they could be used for grift and votes and urban destruction instead?

    Some people actually are crazy. Some people genuinely are not capable of taking care of themselves. Some people will burn your house down because they genuinely think you’re a demon.

    There is nothing humane about them living en masse in a subway or other public space and leaving them free to attack commuters and each other. The institutions should have been fixed, not done away with and turned inside-out like old socks to loose a tide of literal insanity upon the land.

    I’ve worked with the insane on many levels for many years. Do you know what an insane person is capable of?

    At ANY TIME.

    And you won’t get the usual cues to prepare for violence either.

    “Slingblade” is probably one of the more realistic portrayals of a psychopath I’ve seen from Hollywood.

    They can seem quite normal until they don’t.

    And there’s no transition to give you warning before it happens.

    Understand that I am not blaming the homeless insane for their plight, I’m blaming the society that destroyed the mental health system and now promotes insanity instead of treating it.

    But you can use subways for transportation centers or as ad hoc insane asylums and homeless shelters.

    But not both.

    For the safety of all.

  5. I’m reminded of the artificial raptor calls that are sometimes used to scare roosting birds.
    They should loop the cacklings of Hildebeast (HRC) and Kakala (K-BJ-H) and hit play. For variety, they can add a drunken Nasty Pelosi to the mix! It could be called 3 Consuelos.

  6. LA is blasting loud classical music at downtown subway station to deter homeless peopl3. Wine and cheese will be served at 5:00 pm, bring your sleeping bags, it’s going to be a long night!

  7. @Agatha Kakalogical: I’ve toured many lakes and dams here in California. At one particular dam spillway, they have those4 fake raptor calls inside the spillway gate area. They’re to deter pigeons that crap all over the place. All it did was bring more pigeons in.

  8. I’ll take the Baroque. But they can suffer through most of the early Romantic composers. Queue the Left Bank Of Paris and the vomit cleanup squad. Or, alternately, some Bad Opera might clear the area.

  9. How about the 1812 Overture by Tchaikovsky, with real cannons?
    I think we may all remember our introduction to classical music via Looney Tunes and Bugs Bunny.
    Imagine all the precious memories that will be made for these homeless people:
    Yeah, old Jimmy od’d to that song.
    Felicia was raped to that song.
    FFS, this is the best our government can do? Soon, it will be deemed racist because it is only dead white composers.


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