Independent Sentinel
The LA Times published two articles giving Donald Trump credit for California finally having water, showing that Newsom’s follow-up order sounds like Donald Trump. We are finally getting some facts out of the LA Times. I once wrote a polite letter to them about a fraudulent article, and I got a response calling me names, indicating my criticism spreads hate.
In an article titled, On Trump’s order, federal officials opened up two dams, the LA Times wrote that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers abruptly increased the amount of water flowing from two California dams. more here
Newsom’s such a weak sister. Has had several days to ponder Trumps action and this is what he comes up with? “I know, lets out Trump Trump”. I know I’ve I typed this here before, but in case you missed it, nobody in NorCal pays any attention to his bull shit laws. COVID, Guns, etc. What we can’t avoid are his bull shit taxes. And that’s a problem.
Newsom is like – or is – a bad child. He has no business leading anything.
An evil man will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes. Literally, this is Newsom.
he is Nancy Pelosi’s nephew (not satire, not joking)