Ladies And Gentlemen, Hank Johnson. Democrat – IOTW Report

Ladies And Gentlemen, Hank Johnson. Democrat

47 Comments on Ladies And Gentlemen, Hank Johnson. Democrat

  1. Here we have Hank representing the perpetually perplexed and confused.
    Hand that man a Lego and axe him whut it sez in Braille…

    Now who left the bag of idiots open again? I really think this planet is just a reality show for some other planet in another galaxy far, far away!

  2. If he was transgender, he would make an excellent V.P. choice for the Biden effort. He makes Joe look like he REALLY graduated in the top of his class with three college degrees.

  3. More justification for minimum standards and basic requirements (besides being able to breathe), background testing and drug testing… just like in the Private Sector!
    Hank isn’t qualified to drive a Pepsi truck let alone represent people in a district!

  4. A Friend of mine just pointed this out.

    The Democrats love to mock black people by finding the most ignorant among them, placing them in office, and parading them out for the world to see… Racial division and stereotypes confirmed.

  5. It just occurred to me that implicit in asking someone a question is an agreement to hear the answer. Refusing to allow that answer is to renege on the implicit agreement.

    We can call Johnson a reneger.

  6. Well, we’ve seen it “In Living Color!”

    Now, tell me again, why anyone thinks Joey Biden’s not a good candidate?
    Add in Mad Max Waters, Pelosi, Nadler, Schumer, O’Cortez, “Funny Hat” Wilson, and a couple of others and you’d have a Whole Klown Village!

    Hank epitomizes his District – one of the negative aspects of a Republic.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Hank Johnson (D): democrat, dumb-ass, dullard, delusional, dogmatic, despicable, dysfunctional, diatribest, disparager, driveler, dissenter, and dispenser-of-nonsense/BS.

  8. Blink – Yer order for democRAT D words comin right up!

    dishonest, dalliance, dastardly, dazed, debacle, debased, debauchery, decadent, defective, defensive, deficient, defective, deflect, deflower, deformed, defraud, deplorable degenerate, degrade, deign, delete, deleterious, demonic, derelict, delinquent, demagogue, demean, demented, demerit, demolish, demonic, demoralize, denounce, depend, deplete, deplorable, depraved, depressing, deprive, derail, deride, derogatory, descent, desecrate, desert, desensitize, desperate, despicable, despondent, destructive, deteriorate, detest, detract, devalue, devastate, deviate, devoid, devour, diabolic, diatribe, dictate, dickless, dickhead, dickweed, diddle, digress, dilatory, dim, diminish, dimwitted, din du, dingleberry, dire, dirty, disappointment, disapproval, disarray, disaster, disbar, disbelieve, disclaim, disclose, discombobulate, discomfort, discommend, discompose, disconnect, disconsolate, discord, discourage, discourteous, discrepancy, discreditable, disease, dysfunctional, dildo, disgracful, disgruntled, disguise, dishonest, disillusion, disingenuous, disloyal, dismal, dismay, disorderly, disorganized, dispare, dispute, disquiet, disrepair, disrespect, disrepute, disrobe, disrupt, dissatisfactory, disseminate, dissent, disservice, dissident, distain, distasteful, distort, disturbed, disunite, dither, ditzy, divisive, dodge, doleful, DNA donater, dookie, double-dealing, double-crossing, double-faced, double talking, douche, downcast, downfall, downgrade, downhill, dredge, dreg, dreck, dribble, drooler, dumb, dumb-ass and damn duplicitous.

    Hope this helps!

  9. @NN2N- I agree. I live in SAV and this is an anomolly. This subhuman is so stupid, he has to take medicine to remind his dumbass to breathe. I love SE Georgia.


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