7 Comments on Lady From Uzbekistan Explains Ukrainian War Realities
Sidebar: About the media never asking neighbors, they rarely even ask us U.S. folks. We rarely think about it, but the U.S. and Russia are close neighbors: we’re only about 50 or 60 miles apart across the Bering Strait. It’s something like 800 miles between Uzbekistan and Russia.
(This is a geographic/cartographic nit, but I find it interesting.)
Cannot figure out why so many Cubans risk their lives to escape communism, come to America, then vote with the communists.
I hope the things that woman said becomes much more well known. How many people know that Bush The Elder promised Gorbachev that NATO wouldn’t get any closer to Russia than it was back then, but now many people want Ukraine to be part of NATO. How many former members of the Warsaw Pact are now members of NATO?
Can you imagine what the US would do if Russia put in Bio Labs just across the border in Mexico? But it’s OK when we do it to Russia and they are warmongers when they try to stop it.
Funny that it is now the Left that wants to justify all the things they protested against for years.
Actual first hand accounts are the only real “news”…..
Pretty much validates what my response has been to the fucking idiots around here. They aren’t well meaning but misguided, leftists are wickedness and evil personified. Especially white leftist females.
It won’t be that far in the future they are all saying they were fooled. Bullshit. Willful ignorance is NOT an excuse, it is even more incriminating.
Look at all the disingenuous democRATz who were stopped in their tracks by Trump, then turned around 180 deg and denounced Jackass Joe and the policies of the Left like they’re experts! They’re wet-finger shape-shifters that’s all!
Sidebar: About the media never asking neighbors, they rarely even ask us U.S. folks. We rarely think about it, but the U.S. and Russia are close neighbors: we’re only about 50 or 60 miles apart across the Bering Strait. It’s something like 800 miles between Uzbekistan and Russia.
(This is a geographic/cartographic nit, but I find it interesting.)
Cannot figure out why so many Cubans risk their lives to escape communism, come to America, then vote with the communists.
I hope the things that woman said becomes much more well known. How many people know that Bush The Elder promised Gorbachev that NATO wouldn’t get any closer to Russia than it was back then, but now many people want Ukraine to be part of NATO. How many former members of the Warsaw Pact are now members of NATO?
Can you imagine what the US would do if Russia put in Bio Labs just across the border in Mexico? But it’s OK when we do it to Russia and they are warmongers when they try to stop it.
Funny that it is now the Left that wants to justify all the things they protested against for years.
Actual first hand accounts are the only real “news”…..
Pretty much validates what my response has been to the fucking idiots around here. They aren’t well meaning but misguided, leftists are wickedness and evil personified. Especially white leftist females.
It won’t be that far in the future they are all saying they were fooled. Bullshit. Willful ignorance is NOT an excuse, it is even more incriminating.
Look at all the disingenuous democRATz who were stopped in their tracks by Trump, then turned around 180 deg and denounced Jackass Joe and the policies of the Left like they’re experts! They’re wet-finger shape-shifters that’s all!