Lady Gaga endorsed Joe Biden and he… Well, just watch – IOTW Report

Lady Gaga endorsed Joe Biden and he… Well, just watch

Does he know she was talking about him?

In other news:
From Diogenes’ Middle Finger-

Barky Obama Reminds Us He’s Still a D**k Head.

After months of speculation, Barky O’ has finally endorsed his former VP in his bid for the White House. It was a brave move considering everyone else has dropped out and no one else to endorse. In an excruciatingly long 12-minute endorsement, the 44th President says that making Biden his “vice president was one of the best decisions I ever made” and that he “has all the qualities we need in a president right now. He did it with a straight face too. 
SNIP: Diogenes’ has a lovely picture at the link. Plus a video from Carpe Donktum.

24 Comments on Lady Gaga endorsed Joe Biden and he… Well, just watch

  1. I was still on a high after seeing the spanking Trump gave the commie press toddlers, then this sent a chill up my back. That’s danged creepy. Accurate and necessary, but creepy.

  2. Just a sidebar: Maybe it’s just me, but I find Lady Gaga absolutely devoid of any sex appeal. Whatsoever. Even when she is almost naked. In fact, especially when she is almost naked.

  3. PS Lady GAGA went directly to CEOs of big ass companies and got some 37 million for medical supplies to donate to first responders.
    No selfie. No Singing some crap Lennon song. No griping about quarantine in a 30 room house. No nothing. Somebody else had to out it.
    I have respect for that.
    Her politics are not mine.
    But her work ethic and heart are in the right place

  4. Ghost – she is Yonkers girl, old left overs, speaking of trashy types Uncle Joey likes.

    As we used to say growing up? “she looks like, as she smells like’.



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