“Lady MacBiden” – IOTW Report

“Lady MacBiden”

Trump Assassination Attempt: Does Dr Jill Biden Need to be Questioned?

Dr Naomi Wolf

I am careful about my words. I don’t throw around accusations, and, for the legal record, I am not here making an accusation. This essay is deliberately written so as to not be an act of defamation or of libel. more

17 Comments on “Lady MacBiden”

  1. That post photo of the whore Jill Biden reminds me of some old joke about a husband always wanting a blowjob from his wife but no go. Finally, after his demise and cremation, she grabs a handful of his ashes, and says “Here’s the blowjob you always wanted, Joe! PFFFTTTTT!”

  2. I’ve been saying this since we found out Jill Biden picked the incompetent idiot she did for the SS – and the fact that she was even INVOLVED in picking ANYONE. The latin expression: cui bono (to whom is it a benefit). Jill Biden, a power hungry narcissistic moron with delusions of grandeur.

  3. Does it really matter who ordered it? There’s a good chance it was an international effort. Just listen to Klaus Schwabbys recent redirect. Kill them all, let God Sort them out.

  4. “I am careful about my words. I don’t throw around accusations, and, for the legal record, I am not here making an accusation. This essay is deliberately written so as to not be an act of defamation or of libel”.

    It’s too DAMN bad the other side wasn’t so cautious and considerate.

    But, obviously they have a different agenda and they do not believe in taking any ‘prisoners’.
    WE need to respond accordingly.

  5. From gold-digger to grave-digger.

    For some reason I keep thinking of her tweet from early 2021, where she posted a pic of herself, walking away from the camera, in a black trench coat, wearing red pumps…”We’re just getting started…”

  6. Anybody who believes that Crooks acted alone and was lucky to get a shot at Trump is an idiot or part of the gaslighting cadre behind the plot, and we all know who the usual suspects are. Our country is on the tightrope. We are all in danger. Only divine intervention can save us.

  7. That rotund little SS person who couldn’t find her holster.

    Reminds me of the movie “The Gang That Couldn’t Shoot Straight”, only the movie title would be “The Gang That Couldn’t Find Its Holsters”.

    Could be she had a huge lunch of say, 4 large pepperoni pizzas, a 2-liter bottle of Pepsi, and a banana split for dessert, giving her middle parts expansionist dreams.

  8. “… a power hungry narcissistic moron with delusions of grandeur.”

    “… a power hungry narcissistic moron with delusions of adequacy.”

    She is a succubus – a leech – a tick – a parasite who has done nothing of note her whole life, outside of having an adulterous affair with a known liar, grifter, and traitor – and then marrying him.

    May God have mercy on her soul.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. “Lady MacBiden” ??

    Well, she’s an illegitimate First Lady married to an illegitimate President – which you might say makes her “Jill McPhonybitch” married to Joe McPedoshitpants.

  10. “Orders” from a floozie FLOTUS ??

    And the SS OBEYED them?!
    We must not laugh at ANY third world shithole, we are WORSE.


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