Lahaina: All We Got was $700 while Jeff Bezos & Oprah got Everything They Wanted – IOTW Report

Lahaina: All We Got was $700 while Jeff Bezos & Oprah got Everything They Wanted

Lahaina Woman – Everything that Happened isn’t a Coincidence & Nobody is Helping- All We Got was $700 while Jeff Bezos & Oprah got Everything They Wanted. “We busted our ass & this is what we get?”…

24 Comments on Lahaina: All We Got was $700 while Jeff Bezos & Oprah got Everything They Wanted

  1. …she kind of lost me at “culturally insensitive” tho.

    Pretty sure White people are getting fucked too.

    Why should THEY care about HER when SHE doesn’t care about THEM.

    …and so divide and conquer roll merrily on, just like the devil and his Democrats intended…

  2. Wow, I got blocked by Truth Social, just for clicking on the link. Is it because I’m going through a VPN because the Wifi network where I am isn’t real secure?

  3. And just like the people who lose their house to a rive flood, when asked what they’ll do now, they always respond, “rebuild in the same spot.”
    Democrat voters can be dumped on 24 hours a day, seven days a week and they’ll still vote for the D

  4. ‘All we got’… a cultural phenomenon of the late twentieth century. Something bad, awful even, happens and the question is ‘what do I get?’. Is what I got ‘fair’? Did others ‘get more’?

    In truth one is owed nothing for having experienced a natural disaster (in this case a potentially man created and mishandled naturalish disaster. If you have a contract with an insurance company that covers the circumstance they owe you their part of the contract. Government and other people with whom you have no contracts pertaining to the situation owe you nothing at all.

    An implied contract has no legal force, this is what the democrat scum rely on in their entire political policy. Promise whatever it takes to get the vote then renege on the promise. Even dogs quickly figure out when you’re shamming them that way. Treat? No treat? Eventually the dog just quits responding if the treat never shows after it’s promised.

  5. WTF happened to self reliance? They vote D because they’re promised “things”. The government doesn’t give a rats’ ass about you. Nor do they give a damn about anyone but those who can benefit them. What can’t people understand this simple concept? We are to be used, nothing more.

  6. A few years ago VT had a hurricane go through. A rarity.
    They never asked for help.
    They got off their butts and rebuilt and helped their neighbors and didn’t wait for the govt to help.
    As a result they got back to normal lives while LA is still waiting for flood relief in areas.
    Ya, this fire was fishy. As was the way it was handled.
    Then there was Oprah trying to get in with a camera crew.
    And all the secrecy.
    But these people need to stick together and not wait for govt help.
    It’s not coming.

  7. How liberal is Hawaii?
    2. Hawaii. Hawaii is the second-most liberal state in the United States. 28% of voters in Hawaii identify as liberal, and 22% identify as conservative, giving Hawaii a liberal advantage of 6 points, the second-highest in the country.

  8. Lahaina: All We Got was $700 while Jeff Bezos & Oprah got Everything They Wanted

    Well, if you all were rich like Okra and Beezelbub, you could buy up everything too. This is America, under the Constitution of the United States, we have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It’s afforded to all. Oh, and STFU, that you Hawaiians are saying it’s your native land, it belongs to you. Got news for you, you all gave that up when you became the 50th State of the US. You are more privileged now than you were in January of 1959. We also have private property rights.

    One more thing. Hawaiians are moaning that their ancestors were there hundreds and hundreds of years ago. So what! Does that mean you Hawaiians are going to start sacrificing humans on the altar like your ancestors? Yeah, Hawaii has a bad human sacrifice history.

  9. Well, I didn’t even get $700!
    Just cuz I live in MO instead of Hawaii?
    That ain’t fair!
    Missouri sounds a bit like Maui.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  10. The New Epstein Island.
    Children are still being raped, without Epstein and Ghislaine.
    And Little St James wasn’t the only island.
    James Biden had an island nearby.

  11. All the Hawai’in islands would be run like stateside indian reservations (and look like them, too) if it weren’t for the white devil haole spending all their hard-earned money on hotels, restaurants, tours, snorkeling gear, tanning oil, chotkes, chocolate covered macadamia nuts, sun visors, beach towels, and puka shell necklaces.

    Something really awful happened in the late ’80s over there. The aloha spirit turned into aloha spitefulness. The people of the state of (as in United States of) Hawai’i don’t seem to care that they are part of the U.S.A. But at this point, can anyone honestly blame them?

    As for who the “natives” are, well, there is nothing native to a group of islands that rose up out of the sea as volcanoes. Everything in the Hawai’ian islands floated there.

  12. Hawaii is the second most liberal state with only 6% more liberals than conservatives. Seriously, we are so evenly divided that we should absolutely end this farce and split into two nations. If this goes on much longer, it will end in massive death and destruction.

  13. It is the segregationist Joe Biden and KKK Democrat party, who are the founders, developers, and advocates of the vile race hate group (c.1800s to present day), method to be rid of the Hawaiian brown people in a land grab scheme. No doubt KKKJoe will attempt the same against native Indian rez across the country, then blame it on some stupid “climate change”—again.

  14. HEADS UP: The anti-civil rights against ALL Americans Joe Biden has ordered miles and miles of a black curtain around the island of burned-to-ashes Maui to prevent onlookers, passersby, parking, photos, drones, journalists, newspeople, cameras, photos, and video to see oor document the tragic and devastated scenarios which took place there. The jealous loser Biden has ordered the National Guard to patrol, police, and ‘special police’—all who will likely gun down anyone ‘disobeying’ the criminal regime.

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