Lakeside/Somers Montana: Parents WIN On Masks, Now Optional – IOTW Report

Lakeside/Somers Montana: Parents WIN On Masks, Now Optional

Montana Daily Gazette: Just several days before school started in Lakeside and Somers MT (School District 29), the optional mask mandate became a mandatory mask mandate. However, on Thursday evening, after phenomenal and continual push back from almost 100 parents, the mandatory mask mandate was RECALLED by a school board, and a NEW vote of 3 to 2 set the children FREE! 

A Flathead County resident revealed to Montana Daily Gazette, “After 3 hours of intensive testimony (the trustee debate was very INTENSE), the vote was 3 for mask choice; 2 masks mandatory; 1 chair (heavy masker with a nasty agenda-pushing doctor as her husband) abstained! So a vote of 3-2 freed the children!” more

10 Comments on Lakeside/Somers Montana: Parents WIN On Masks, Now Optional

  1. Just got back to New Hampshire after a week in Montana, we could use some of their free spirited, independent, thinking here. Montana really is the last best place, but the scum suckers are trying to change it just as they are in NH. Glad those parents fought back,that is all it takes to win these battles.

  2. Well, since masks don’t work, and neither does the jab…

    It’s about time people got their asshats out of their asses.

    Paying attention must be an art. I always thought it was something I had to do, you know use your fucking turn signals, look where you are driving, know how to do your job…

    Tiresome. The world has become tiresome with people who don’t pay attention.

  3. If Montana has to fight masks this hard, the rest of the country is in deep, deep shit. Of course, it’s entirely possible that I’ve been living under a romantic illusion about Montana, and the Karen hipsters actually turned the state long ago. After all, I hardly noticed until it was too late that my own state of Georgia had gone flaccidly left. Anyway, good on y’all, Montana. I am now investigating an investment in dental floss.

  4. Thirdtwin – – Yeah, I was thinking WTF?! This is Montana, what the heck’s going on? What’s going on is liberals from California move in and get involved in small town politics, get elected to school boards, and then start to change things for the worse.

  5. From what I read on Montana based FB pages the state is getting overrun with lefties escaping the virus and blue state policies (only to bring the same crap with them). They get into these groups and ask the stupidest questions-locals beg them to not bring their same thinking with them. Housing prices are going up as fast as new subdivisions.

    Last winter didn’t freeze the newbies out. Everyone hopes this upcoming winter will before it’s too late.

    (We gad 5 acres in Lakesie that we had to sell some years ago. That’s why I follow the happenings there. Have friends in Kalispell too.)

  6. Anyone unfamiliar with Montana left wing extremist screwball strongholds doesn’t know spit about Montana. Montana has been lousy with them for all of my lifetime. Missoula and the U of M in particular has been a well known haven of left wing lunatics and Butte would vote for Joseph Stalin over Donald Trump, even knowing full well what Joseph Stalin stood for.

  7. Fortunately here in KY, the state Supreme Court tied the hands of the Governor, creepy cousin Andy [D]. The conservative legislature is in the governor’s called special session right now and hopefully common sense prevails. About 20% of folks in my town of 11k mask up and only Dollar Tree posts signs requiring masks but most ignore it.

  8. “(only to bring the same crap with them)”

    Funny you mention that.
    The rats escaping the Plague in the 1300s carried it with them (or, at least, the fleas).
    A direct analog, if you will.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. JDHasty is absolutely correct! He left out Nolackaloonies (state Capitol) Bozeman, which many be farther left than even Nolackaloonies now, Whitefish and the Reservations which are solid (d) party bastions. Great Falls may still be too. We’ve been “purple” for a while now and there’s a lot of breath holding going on. At least we elected Gov. Gianforte instead of multi-generation Butte (d) Cooney, whose entire employed life life has been spent in elected State office.


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