Landlord caught on camera having sex in tenant’s bed is illegal alien – IOTW Report

Landlord caught on camera having sex in tenant’s bed is illegal alien

Pierce said his wife, Mikaela Digiulio, was particularly offended that Quijada used her wedding dress like an old rag.

AmericanMirror: A Colorado landlord who was busted on camera having sex in a tenant’s bed did not show up for his Thursday court appearance because the illegal immigrant was in the custody of Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials.

KKTV reports:

Carlos Quijada was scheduled to be in court Thursday, but didn’t show up because he’s still in U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody. An El Paso County judge still signed a warrant for his arrest for not appearing. ICE didn’t notify the courts that they had Quijada in custody.  


5 Comments on Landlord caught on camera having sex in tenant’s bed is illegal alien

  1. Every sentenced handed out to the illegals for whatever crimes they are convicted on, tack the same sentence onto Obama. He is the criminal overlord responsible, he gets to share the sentences. At his rate he would qualify for parole in um say 2789 yrs.

  2. Just HOW does an illegal immigrant become a landlord?!? I recently purchased a house and I know all the proof of who I was, what my income was, who the people were that were going to live in the house with me, and contact info for my closest relatives just to qualify not only for the mortgage but to just be considered as a buyer of the house! How in HELL does an illegal own property in the USA???

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