Lanny Davis Admits He Lied To The Media About Major Trump Tower Report – IOTW Report

Lanny Davis Admits He Lied To The Media About Major Trump Tower Report

DC: Michael Cohen’s attorney Lanny Davis admitted on Thursday that he erroneously confirmed a CNN report about Trump’s knowledge of the 2016 Trump Tower meeting with the Russians.

CNN reported on July 27 that Cohen was prepared to tell Special Counsel Robert Mueller that the president had advance knowledge of the Trump Tower meeting. On Wednesday, Davis said that the reporting was “mixed up” and that his client had no information regarding when Trump knew about the meeting.

According to the New York Post, however, Davis himself confirmed CNN’s report as an anonymous source when it was first published.

Davis is now apologizing on the record for confirming something he did not know to be true.  MORE

9 Comments on Lanny Davis Admits He Lied To The Media About Major Trump Tower Report

  1. I’ve been eating at a place for 5-6 years now. It used to be a guy’s bathroom on the left and women’s on the right.

    Then one day, both clappers say, “whatever.”

    So I walk in and the last soy boy or woman put the seat down.

    I pissed all over the seat and then flipped it up.

  2. Dam RatFink, you may be on to something. If you word scramble “Barrack Obama” it spells out “killed grandmother with pillow on election night”

    This is amazing.

  3. “Davis is now apologizing on the record for confirming something he did not know to be true.”

    typical fascist demonRat bullshit

    … in other words, ‘Sorry, my bad’ … in the words of Harry Reid when he was confronted w/ the fact that Mitt Romney did not cheat on his taxes, as Reid claimed, … ‘So? Worked, didn’t it?’


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